
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. fuzzy.png
    Ex-Fuzzy: A library for symbolic explainable AI through fuzzy logic programming
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  and  Javier Andreu-Perez
    Neurocomputing, 2024


  1. The Krypteia ensemble: Designing classifier ensembles using an ancient Spartan military tradition
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  O Cordón ,  and  H Bustince
    Information Fusion, 2023
  2. Supervised Penalty-based Aggregation Applied to Motor-Imagery based Brain-Computer-Interface
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Carmen Vidaurre ,  Javier Fernández , and 4 more authors
    Pattern Recognition, 2023
  3. network.png
    Quantifying External Information in Social Network Analysis: An Application to Comparative Mythology
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Oscar Cordón ,  Graçaliz Pereira Dimuro , and 2 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023
  4. Mejoras a la capacidad de generalización de la inteligencia artificial
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin
    Universidad Pública de Navarra , 2023
  5. art.png
    Artxai: Explainable artificial intelligence curates deep representation learning for artistic images using fuzzy techniques
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Javier Andreu-Perez ,  Oscar Cord , and 3 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2023
  6. On the Stability of Fuzzy Classifiers to Noise Induction
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Humberto Bustince ,  Javier Andreu-Perez , and 1 more author
    In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ) , 2023


  1. Combinations of Affinity Functions for Different Community Detection Algorithms in Social Networks
    Javier Fumanal Idocin ,  Oscar Cordon ,  Maria Minárová , and 2 more authors
    In Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , 2022
  2. d-XC integrals: on the generalization of the expanded form of the Choquet integral by restricted dissimilarity functions and their applications
    Jonata Wieczynski ,  Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Giancarlo Lucca , and 5 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2022
  3. Book of Abstracts of The Sixteenth International Conference
    Andrea Stupňanová ,  Martin Dyba ,  and  Viktor Pavliska
  4. Fuzzy Clustering to Encode Contextual Information in Artistic Image Classification
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Zdenko Takáč ,  L’ubomı́ra Horanská , and 2 more authors
    In International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems , 2022
  5. Almost aggregations in the gravitational clustering to perform anomaly detection
    J Fumanal-Idocin ,  I Rodriguez-Martinez ,  A Indurain , and 2 more authors
    Information Sciences, 2022
  6. A generalization of the Sugeno integral to aggregate interval-valued data: An application to brain computer interface and social network analysis
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Z Takáč ,  L’ Horanská , and 5 more authors
    Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2022


  1. Sugeno integral generalization applied to improve adaptive image binarization
    Francesco Bardozzo ,  Borja De La Osa ,  L’ubomı́ra Horanská , and 6 more authors
    Information Fusion, 2021
  2. Interval-Valued Aggregation Functions Based on Moderate Deviations Applied to Motor-Imagery-Based Brain–Computer Interface
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Zdenko Takáč ,  Javier Fernández , and 5 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2021
  3. A fusion method for multi-valued data
    Martin Papčo ,  Iosu Rodrı́guez-Martı́nez ,  Javier Fumanal-Idocin , and 2 more authors
    Information Fusion, 2021
  4. Motor-imagery-based brain–computer interface using signal derivation and aggregation functions
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Yu-Kai Wang ,  Chin-Teng Lin , and 3 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021
  5. Optimizing a weighted moderate deviation for motor imagery brain computer interfaces
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Carmen Vidaurre ,  Marisol Gomez , and 4 more authors
    In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) , 2021
  6. The concept of semantic value in social network analysis: an application to comparative mythology
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Oscar Cordón ,  Graçaliz Dimuro , and 2 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.08023, 2021
  7. Gated local adaptive binarization using supervised learning
    Javier Fumanal Idocin ,  Juan Uriarte Barragán ,  Borja de la Osa Hernández , and 3 more authors
    In WILF’21: The 13th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, Dec. 20–22, 2021, Vietri sul Mare, Italy , 2021
  8. Enhanced local adaptative binarization
    Juan Uriarte Barragán
  9. Nueva versión del algoritmo de clúster gravitacional para la detección de datos atı́picos
    Alfonso Indurain Ibero
  10. Análisis de redes sociales basado en las conquistas de César Borgia
    Javier Fumanal Idocin ,  Óscar Cordón ,  Amparo Alonso Betanzos , and 2 more authors
    In Enrique Alba...[et al.](Eds.): XIX Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial CAEPIA 20/21. Universidad de Málaga, 2021. 978-84-09-30514-8 , 2021
  11. Optimizando desviaciones moderadas ponderadas para interfaces cerebro ordenador
    Javier Fumanal Idocin ,  Carmen Vidaurre ,  Marisol Gómez Fernández , and 3 more authors
    In Enrique Alba...[et al.](Eds.): XIX Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial CAEPIA 20/21. Universidad de Málaga, 2021. , 2021
  12. Clusterig cosmológico: un enfoque del clustering gravitacional clásico inspirado en la estructura y dinámica del cosmos a gran escala
    Aitor Castillo López ,  Javier Fumanal Idocin ,  Francisco Javier Fernández Fernández , and 1 more author
    In Enrique Alba...[et al.](Eds.): XIX Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial CAEPIA 20/21. Universidad de Málaga, 2021. , 2021
  13. delli Priscoli M., Troiano L., Tagliaferri R., Fernandez J., Bustince H
    F Bardozzo ,  B De La Osa ,  L Horanská , and 1 more author
    Sugeno integral generalization applied to improve adaptive image binarization, Inf. Fusion, 2021


  1. Estudio del impacto del tamaño de ventanas en Deep Learning
    Izaskun Rodrı́guez Villar
  2. Adaptive binarization based on fuzzy integrals
    Francesco Bardozzo ,  Borja De La Osa ,  Lubomira Horanska , and 6 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.08755, 2020
  3. borgia.png
    Community detection and social network analysis based on the Italian wars of the 15th century
    Javier Fumanal-Idocin ,  Amparo Alonso-Betanzos ,  Oscar Cordón , and 2 more authors
    Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020


  1. Gravitational clustering algorithm generalization by using an aggregation of masses in newton law
    J Armentia ,  Iosu Rodrı́guez ,  Javier Fumanal Idocin , and 3 more authors
    In New Trends in Aggregation Theory 10 , 2019
  2. Distances between interval-valued fuzzy sets taking into account the width of the intervals
    Zdenko Takáč ,  Javier Fernandez ,  Javier Fumanal , and 5 more authors
    In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) , 2019