This file contains the classes to perform rule classification evaluation.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, confusion_matrix
from . import rules
from . import fuzzy_sets as fs
from . import permutation_test as pt
from . import bootstrapping_test as bt
except ImportError:
import rules
import fuzzy_sets as fs
import permutation_test as pt
import bootstrapping_test as bt
class evalRuleBase():
Class to evaluate a set of rules given a evaluation dataset.
def __init__(self, mrule_base: rules.MasterRuleBase, X: np.array, y: np.array, time_moments: np.array=None, precomputed_truth=None) -> None:
Creates the object with the rulebase to evaluate and the data to use in the evaluation.
:param mrule_base: The rule base to evaluate.
:param X: array shape samples x features. The data to evaluate the rule base.
:param y: array shape samples x 1. The labels of the data.
:param time_moments: array shape samples x 1. The time moments of the samples. (Only for temporal rule bases)
:return: None
self.mrule_base = mrule_base
self.X = X
self.y = y
self.time_moments = time_moments
self.precomputed_truth = precomputed_truth
if isinstance(y[0], str):
consequents_names = self.mrule_base.get_consequents_names()
self.y = np.array([list(consequents_names).index(str(y)) for y in y])
def compute_antecedent_pattern_support(self, X: np.array=None) -> np.array:
Computes the pattern support for each of the rules for the given X.
Each pattern support firing strength is the result of the tnorm for all the antecedent memeberships,
dvided by their number.
:return: array of shape rules x 2
data_X = X if X is not None else self.X
precomputed_truth = self.precomputed_truth if self.precomputed_truth is not None else None
if self.time_moments is None:
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
data_X, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth)
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
data_X, self.time_moments)
patterns = self._get_all_rules()
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), ))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), 2))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), 2))
for ix, pattern in enumerate(patterns):
pattern_firing_strength = antecedent_memberships[:, ix]
res[ix] = np.mean(pattern_firing_strength)
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2 or self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.mean(res, axis=1)
return res
def compute_pattern_support(self, X: np.array=None, y: np.array=None) -> np.array:
Computes the pattern support for each of the rules for the given X.
Each pattern support firing strength is the result of the tnorm for all the antecedent memeberships,
dvided by their number.
:return: array of shape rules x 2
data_X = X if X is not None else self.X
data_y = y if y is not None else self.y
precomputed_truth = self.precomputed_truth if self.precomputed_truth is not None else None
if self.time_moments is None:
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
data_X, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth)
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
data_X, self.time_moments)
patterns = self._get_all_rules()
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), ))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), 2))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), 2))
consequents = self.mrule_base.get_consequents()
for ix, pattern in enumerate(patterns):
consequent_match = np.equal(data_y, consequents[ix])
consequent_match = np.array(consequent_match, dtype=int)
pattern_firing_strength = antecedent_memberships[:, ix]
res[ix] = np.mean(pattern_firing_strength * consequent_match.reshape(-1, 1))
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2 or self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.mean(res, axis=1)
return res
def compute_aux_pattern_support(self) -> np.array:
Computes the pattern support for each of the rules for each of the classes for the given X.
Each pattern support firing strength is the result of the tnorm for all the antecedent memeberships,
dvided by their number.
:return: array of shape rules x 2
if self.time_moments is None:
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
self.X, self.time_moments)
patterns = self._get_all_rules()
n_classes = len(np.unique(self.y))
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), n_classes, ))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), n_classes, 2))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), n_classes, 2))
for con_ix in range(n_classes):
for ix, pattern in enumerate(patterns):
consequent_match = np.equal(self.y, con_ix)
pattern_firing_strength = antecedent_memberships[:, ix]
res[ix, con_ix] = np.mean(pattern_firing_strength * consequent_match)
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2 or self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.mean(res, axis=1)
return res
def _get_all_rules(self) -> list[rules.RuleSimple]:
Returns a list of all the rules in the master rule base.
:return: list of rules.
res = []
for jx in self.mrule_base.get_rules():
return res
def compute_pattern_confidence(self, X: np.array=None, y: np.array=None, precomputed_truth=None) -> np.array:
Computes the pattern confidence for each of the rules for the given X.
Each pattern confidence is the normalized firing strength.
:returns: array of shape 1 x rules
data_X = X if X is not None else self.X
data_y = y if y is not None else self.y
precomputed_truth = self.precomputed_truth if self.precomputed_truth is not None else None
if self.time_moments is None:
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
data_X, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth)
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
data_X, self.time_moments, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth)
patterns = self._get_all_rules()
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), ))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), 2))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), 2))
consequents = self.mrule_base.get_consequents()
for ix, pattern in enumerate(patterns):
antecedent_consequent_match = np.equal(data_y, consequents[ix])
pattern_firing_strength = antecedent_memberships[:, ix]
dem = np.sum(pattern_firing_strength)
if dem == 0:
res[ix] = 0
res[ix] = np.sum(
pattern_firing_strength[antecedent_consequent_match]) / dem
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2 or self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.mean(res, axis=1)
return res
def compute_aux_pattern_confidence(self) -> np.array:
Computes the pattern confidence for each of the rules for the given X.
Each pattern confidence is the normalized firing strength.
:returns: array of shape rules x classes
if self.time_moments is None:
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
antecedent_memberships = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(
self.X, self.time_moments)
patterns = self._get_all_rules()
n_classes = len(np.unique(self.y))
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), n_classes, ))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), n_classes, 2))
elif self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.zeros((len(patterns), n_classes, 2))
for consequent in range(n_classes):
for ix, pattern in enumerate(patterns):
antecedent_consequent_match = self.y == consequent
pattern_firing_strength = antecedent_memberships[:, ix]
dem = np.sum(pattern_firing_strength)
if dem == 0:
res[ix, consequent] = 0
res[ix, consequent] = np.sum(
pattern_firing_strength[antecedent_consequent_match]) / dem
if self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2 or self.mrule_base.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
res = np.mean(res, axis=1)
return res
def dominance_scores(self) -> np.array:
Returns the dominance score of each pattern for each rule.
:return: array of shape rules x 2
return self.compute_pattern_confidence() * self.compute_pattern_support()
def association_degree(self) -> np.array:
Returns the association degree of each rule for each sample.
:return: vector of shape rules
firing_strengths = self.mrule_base.compute_firing_strenghts(self.X)
res = self.dominance_scores() * firing_strengths
if (self.mrule_base[0].fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2) or (self.mrule_base[0].fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2):
res = np.mean(res, axis=2)
return res
def aux_dominance_scores(self) -> np.array:
Returns the dominance score of each pattern for each rule.
:return: array of shape rules x 2
return self.compute_aux_pattern_confidence() * self.compute_aux_pattern_support()
def add_rule_weights(self) -> None:
Add dominance score field to each of the rules present in the master Rule Base.
supports = self.compute_pattern_support()
confidences = self.compute_pattern_confidence()
scores = self.dominance_scores()
aux_counter = 0
rules = self.mrule_base.get_rules()
for jx in range(len(rules)):
rules[jx].score = scores[aux_counter]
rules[jx].support = supports[aux_counter]
rules[jx].confidence = confidences[aux_counter]
aux_counter += 1
def add_auxiliary_rule_weights(self) -> None:
Add dominance score field to each of the rules present in the master Rule Base for each consequent.
They are labeled as aux_score, aux_support and aux_confidence. (Because they are not the main rule weights)
supports = self.compute_aux_pattern_support()
confidences = self.compute_aux_pattern_confidence()
scores = self.aux_dominance_scores()
aux_counter = 0
rules = self.mrule_base.get_rules()
for jx in range(len(rules)):
rules[jx].aux_score = scores[aux_counter]
rules[jx].aux_support = supports[aux_counter]
rules[jx].aux_confidence = confidences[aux_counter]
aux_counter += 1
def add_classification_metrics(self, X: np.array=None, y: np.array=None) -> None:
Adds the accuracy of each rule in the master rule base. It also adds the f1, precision and recall scores.
If X and y are None uses the train set.
:param X: array of shape samples x features
:param y: array of shape samples
if X is not None:
actual_X = X
actual_y = y
actual_X = self.X
actual_y = self.y
if isinstance(actual_y, list):
actual_y = np.array(actual_y)
if len(self.mrule_base.get_rules()) > 0 and not hasattr(self.mrule_base.get_rules()[0], 'score'):
if self.time_moments is None:
winning_rules, _winning_association_degrees = self.mrule_base._winning_rules(actual_X, precomputed_truth=self.precomputed_truth, allow_unkown=self.mrule_base.allow_unknown)
preds = self.mrule_base.winning_rule_predict(actual_X, precomputed_truth=self.precomputed_truth)
winning_rules, _winning_association_degrees = self.mrule_base._winning_rules(actual_X, self.time_moments)
preds = self.mrule_base.winning_rule_predict(actual_X, self.time_moments)
# If preds and labels are not instances of the same type, we convert them to the same type
consequents_names = self.mrule_base.get_consequents_names()
if type(preds[0]) != type(actual_y[0]):
if isinstance(actual_y[0], str):
preds = np.array([consequents_names[p].index(str(p)) for p in preds])
elif isinstance(preds[0], str):
preds = np.array([consequents_names.index(str(p)) for p in preds])
rules = self.mrule_base.get_rules()
for jx in range(len(rules)):
relevant_samples = winning_rules == jx
if np.sum(relevant_samples) > 0:
relevant_labels = actual_y[relevant_samples]
relevant_preds = preds[relevant_samples]
rules[jx].accuracy = accuracy_score(relevant_labels, relevant_preds)
rules[jx].accuracy = 0.0
def classification_eval(self) -> float:
Returns the matthews correlation coefficient for a classification task using
the rules evaluated.
:return: mattews correlation coefficient. (float in [-1, 1])
from sklearn.metrics import matthews_corrcoef
preds = self.mrule_base.winning_rule_predict(self.X, precomputed_truth=self.precomputed_truth)
self.mcc = matthews_corrcoef(self.y, preds)
self.acc = accuracy_score(self.y, preds)
return self.mcc
def size_antecedents_eval(self, tolerance=0.1) -> float:
Returns a score between 0 and 1, where 1 means that the rule base only contains almost no antecedents.
0 means that the rule base contains all rules with more than {tolerance} DS, there are many of them and they have all possible antecedents.
The more rules and antecedent per rules the lower this score is.
:param tolerance: float in [0, 1]. The tolerance for the dominance score. Default 0.1
:return: float in [0, 1] with the score.
possible_rule_size = 0
effective_rule_size = 0
for rule_base in self.mrule_base.get_rulebases():
if len(rule_base) > 0:
for rule in rule_base:
rscore = np.mean(rule.score)
if rscore > tolerance:
possible_rule_size += len(rule.antecedents)
# No antecedents for this rule
if sum(np.array(rule.antecedents) != -1) == 0:
effective_rule_size += len(rule.antecedents)
effective_rule_size += sum(
np.array(rule.antecedents) != -1)
return 0.0 # If one consequent does not have rules, then we return 0.0
rule_density = 1 - effective_rule_size / possible_rule_size # Antecedents used
except ZeroDivisionError:
rule_density = 0.0
return rule_density
def effective_rulesize_eval(self, tolerance=0.1) -> float:
Returns a score between 0 and 1, where 1 means that the rule base only contains almost no antecedents.
0 means that the rule base contains all rules with more than {tolerance} DS, there are many of them and they have all possible antecedents.
The more rules and antecedent per rules the lower this score is.
:param tolerance: float in [0, 1]. The tolerance for the dominance score. Default 0.1
:return: float in [0, 1] with the score.
possible_rules = len(self.mrule_base.get_rules())
effective_rules = 0
for rule_base in self.mrule_base.get_rulebases():
if len(rule_base) > 0:
for rule in rule_base:
rscore = np.mean(rule.score)
if rscore > tolerance:
# No antecedents for this rule
if not np.all(np.equal(np.array(rule.antecedents), -1)):
effective_rules += 1
return 0.0 # If one consequent does not have rules, then we return 0.0
rule_density = effective_rules / possible_rules
except ZeroDivisionError:
rule_density = 0.0
return rule_density
def p_permutation_classifier_validation(self, n=100, r=10) -> float:
Performs a boostrap test to evaluate the performance of the rule base.
Returns the p-valuefor the label permutation test and the feature coalition test.
:param n: int. Number of boostrap samples.
:param r: int. Number of repetitions to estimate the original error rate.
:return: p-value of the permutation test.
test1 = pt.permutation_labels_test(self.mrule_base, self.X, self.y, k=n, r=r)
test2 = pt.permute_columns_class_test(self.mrule_base, self.X, self.y, k=n, r=r)
pt.rulewise_label_permutation_test(self.mrule_base, self.X, self.y, k=n, r=r)
pt.rulewise_column_permutation_test(self.mrule_base, self.X, self.y, k=n, r=r)
self.mrule_base.p_value_class_structure = test1
self.mrule_base.p_value_feature_coalition = test2
return test1, test2
def p_bootstrapping_rules_validation(self, n=100) -> float:
rules_p_values = bt.compute_rule_p_value(self.mrule_base, self.X, self.y, n).flatten()
for jx, rule in enumerate(self.mrule_base.get_rules()):
rule.boot_p_value = rules_p_values[jx]
confidence_interval = self.bootstrap_confidence_confinterval(self.X, self.y, n)
support_interval = self.bootstrap_support_confinterval(self.X, self.y, n)
for jx, rule in enumerate(self.mrule_base.get_rules()):
rule.boot_confidence_interval = confidence_interval[:, jx]
rule.boot_support_interval = support_interval[:, jx]
def add_full_evaluation(self):
Adds classification scores, both Dominance Scores and accuracy metrics, for each individual rule.
def bootstrap_support_rules(self, X: np.array, y: np.array, n_samples: int):
Bootstraps the support of the rules in the classifier.
samples = bt.generate_bootstrap_samples(X, y, n_samples)
supports = np.zeros((n_samples, len(self.mrule_base.get_rules())))
for i, sample in enumerate(samples):
supports[i] = self.compute_pattern_support(sample[0], sample[1])
return supports
def bootstrap_confidence_rules(self, X: np.array, y: np.array, n_samples: int):
Bootstraps the confidence of the rules in the classifier.
samples = bt.generate_bootstrap_samples(X, np.array(y), n_samples)
confidences = np.zeros((n_samples, len(self.mrule_base.get_rules())))
for i, sample in enumerate(samples):
confidences[i] = self.compute_pattern_confidence(sample[0], sample[1])
return confidences
def bootstrap_support_confinterval(self, X: np.array, y: np.array, n_samples: int):
Bootstraps the support of the rules in the classifier.
supports = self.bootstrap_support_rules(X, np.array(y), n_samples)
conf_interval = np.percentile(supports, [2.5, 97.5], axis=0)
return conf_interval
def bootstrap_confidence_confinterval(self, X: np.array, y: np.array, n_samples: int):
Bootstraps the confidence of the rules in the classifier.
confidences = self.bootstrap_confidence_rules(X, np.array(y), n_samples)
conf_interval = np.percentile(confidences, [2.5, 97.5], axis=0)
return conf_interval