Source code for ex_fuzzy.fuzzy_sets

This is a the source file that contains the class of GT2 fuzzy set and its most direct applications, 
like computing the FM function, etc.

import enum
from typing import Generator

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    from . import maintenance as mnt
    import maintenance as mnt

# You dont require torch to use this module, however, we need to import it to give support in case you feed these methods with torch tensors.
    import torch
    torch_available = True
    torch_available = False

''' Enum that defines the fuzzy set types.'''
class FUZZY_SETS(enum.Enum):
    t1 = 'Type 1'
    t2 = 'Type 2'
    gt2 = 'General Type 2'

    def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool:
        return self.value == __value.value

[docs] def trapezoidal_membership(x: np.array, params: list[float], epsilon=10E-5) -> np.array: ''' Trapezoidal membership functions. :param x: input values in the fuzzy set referencial domain. :param params: four numbers that comprises the start and end of the trapezoid. :param epsilon: small float number for numerical stability. Adjust accordingly only if there are NaN issues. ''' a, b, c, d = params # Special case: a singleton trapezoid if a == d: # If they are numpy arrays, we need to use the numpy function if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return np.equal(x, a).astype(float) if torch_available: if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return torch.eq(x, a).float() if b == a: b += epsilon if c == d: d += epsilon aux1 = (x - a) / (b - a) aux2 = (d - x) / (d - c) try: if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return torch.clamp(torch.min(aux1, aux2), 0.0, 1.0) except NameError: pass if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return np.clip(np.minimum(aux1, aux2), 0.0, 1.0) elif isinstance(x, list): return [np.clip(min(aux1, aux2), 0.0, 1.0) for elem in x] elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): return np.clip(np.minimum(aux1, aux2), 0.0, 1.0) else: # Single value return np.clip(min(aux1, aux2), 0.0, 1.0)
def _gaussian2(x, params: list[float]) -> np.array: ''' Gaussian membership functions. :param mean: real number, mean of the gaussian function. :param amplitude: real number. :param standard_deviation: std of the gaussian function. ''' mean, standard_deviation = params return np.exp(- ((x - mean) / standard_deviation) ** 2)
[docs] class FS(): ''' Class that defines the most basic fuzzy sets (also known as Type 1 fuzzy sets or Zadeh sets). ''' def __init__(self, name: str, membership_parameters: list[float], domain: list[float]) -> None: ''' Creates a fuzzy set. :param name: string. :param secondMF_lower: four real numbers. Parameters of the lower trapezoid/gaussian function. :param secondMF_upper: four real numbers. Parameters of the upper trapezoid/gaussian function. :param domain: list of two numbers. Limits of the domain of the fuzzy set. ''' if mnt.save_usage_flag: mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.FuzzySets][self.type().name] += 1 = name self.domain = domain self.membership_parameters = membership_parameters
[docs] def membership(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the membership of a point or a vector. :param x: input values in the fuzzy set referencial domain. ''' return trapezoidal_membership(x, self.membership_parameters)
[docs] def type(self) -> FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the corresponding fuzzy set type according to FUZZY_SETS enum. :return: FUZZY_SETS enum. ''' return FUZZY_SETS.t1
def __call__(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Calling the Fuzzy set returns its membership. :param x: input values in the fuzzy set referencial domain. :return: membership of the fuzzy set. ''' return self.membership(x) def __str__(self) -> str: ''' Returns the name of the fuzzy set, its type and its parameters. :return: string. ''' return f'{} ({self.type().name}) - {self.membership_parameters}'
[docs] def shape(self) -> str: ''' Returns the shape of the fuzzy set. :return: string. ''' return 'trapezoid'
[docs] class triangularFS(FS): def __init__(self, name: str, membership_parameters: list[float], domain: list[float]) -> None: super().__init__(name, membership_parameters, domain)
[docs] def shape(self) -> str: return 'triangular'
[docs] class categoricalFS(FS): def __init__(self, name: str, category) -> None: ''' Creates a categorical fuzzy set. It gives 1 to the category and 0 to the rest. Use it when the variable is categorical and the categories are known, so that rule inference systems can naturally support both crisp and fuzzy variables. :param name: string. :param categories: list of strings. Possible categories. ''' = name self.category = category if mnt.save_usage_flag: mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.FuzzySets][self.type().name] += 1
[docs] def membership(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the membership of a point or vector of elements. :param x: input values in the referencial domain. ''' if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): res = np.equal(x, self.category).astype(float) elif isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): res = torch.eq(x, self.category).float() elif isinstance(x, list): res = [1.0 if elem == self.category else 0.0 for elem in x] elif isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(x, int): res = 1.0 if x == self.category else 0.0 elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): res = x.apply(lambda elem: 1.0 if elem == self.category else 0.0) return res
[docs] def type(self) -> FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the corresponding fuzzy set type according to FUZZY_SETS enum. ''' return FUZZY_SETS.t1
def __str__(self) -> str: ''' Returns the name of the fuzzy set, its type and its parameters. :return: string. ''' return f'Categorical set: {}, type 1 output'
[docs] def shape(self) -> str: ''' Returns the shape of the fuzzy set. :return: string. ''' return 'categorical'
[docs] class IVFS(FS): ''' Class to define a iv fuzzy set. ''' def __init__(self, name: str, secondMF_lower: list[float], secondMF_upper: list[float], domain: list[float], lower_height=1.0) -> None: ''' Creates a IV fuzzy set. :param name: string. :param secondMF_lower: four real numbers. Parameters of the lower trapezoid/gaussian function. :param secondMF_upper: four real numbers. Parameters of the upper trapezoid/gaussian function. :param domain: list of two numbers. Limits of the domain if the fuzzy set. ''' = name self.domain = domain if mnt.save_usage_flag: mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.FuzzySets][self.type().name] += 1 assert secondMF_lower[0] >= secondMF_upper[0], 'First term membership incoherent' assert secondMF_lower[0] <= secondMF_lower[1] and secondMF_lower[ 1] <= secondMF_lower[2] and secondMF_lower[2] <= secondMF_lower[3], 'Lower memberships incoherent. ' assert secondMF_upper[0] <= secondMF_upper[1] and secondMF_upper[ 1] <= secondMF_upper[2] and secondMF_upper[2] <= secondMF_upper[3], 'Upper memberships incoherent.' assert secondMF_lower[3] <= secondMF_upper[3], 'Final term memberships incoherent.' self.secondMF_lower = secondMF_lower self.secondMF_upper = secondMF_upper self.lower_height = lower_height
[docs] def membership(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the iv-membership of a point or a vector. :param x: input values in the fuzzy set referencial domain. :return: iv-membership of the fuzzy set. ''' lower = trapezoidal_membership( x, self.secondMF_lower) * self.lower_height upper = trapezoidal_membership(x, self.secondMF_upper) try: assert np.all(lower <= upper) except AssertionError: np.argwhere(lower > upper) return np.stack([lower, upper], axis=-1)
[docs] def type(self) -> FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the corresponding fuzzy set type according to FUZZY_SETS enum: (t2) ''' return FUZZY_SETS.t2
def __str__(self) -> str: ''' Returns the name of the fuzzy set, its type and its parameters. :return: string. ''' return f'{} ({self.type().name}) - {self.secondMF_lower} - {self.secondMF_upper}'
[docs] class categoricalIVFS(IVFS): ''' Class to define a iv fuzzy set with categorical membership. ''' def __init__(self, name: str, category) -> None: ''' Creates a categorical iv fuzzy set. It gives 1 to the category and 0 to the rest. Use it when the variable is categorical and the categories are known, so that rule inference systems can naturally support both crisp and fuzzy variables. :param name: string. :param categories: list of strings. Possible categories. :param domain: list of two numbers. Limits of the domain if the fuzzy set. ''' = name self.category = category if mnt.save_usage_flag: mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.FuzzySets][self.type().name] += 1
[docs] def membership(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the membership of a point or vector of elements. :param x: input values in the referencial domain. ''' if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): res = np.equal(x, self.category).astype(float) res = np.stack([res, res], axis=-1) elif isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): res = torch.eq(x, self.category).float() res = torch.stack([res, res], axis=-1) elif isinstance(x, list): res = [1.0 if elem == self.category else 0.0 for elem in x] res = np.stack([res, res], axis=-1) elif isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(x, int): res = 1.0 if x == self.category else 0.0 res = np.array([res, res]) elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): res = x.apply(lambda elem: 1.0 if elem == self.category else 0.0) res = np.stack([res, res], axis=-1) return res
[docs] def type(self) -> FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the corresponding fuzzy set type according to FUZZY_SETS enum. ''' return FUZZY_SETS.t2
def __str__(self) -> str: ''' Returns the name of the fuzzy set, its type and its parameters. :return: string. ''' return f'Categorical set: {}, type 2 output'
[docs] def shape(self) -> str: ''' Returns the shape of the fuzzy set. :return: string. ''' return 'categorical'
[docs] class GT2(FS): ''' Class to define a gt2 fuzzy set. ''' MAX_RES_SUPPORT = 4 # Number of decimals supported in the secondary def __init__(self, name: str, secondary_memberships: dict[float, FS], domain: list[float], significant_decimals: int, alpha_cuts: list[float] = [0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0], unit_resolution: float = 0.2) -> None: ''' Creates a GT2 fuzzy set. :param name: string. :param secondary_memberships: list of fuzzy sets. Secondary membership that maps original domain to [0, 1] :param secondMF_upper: four real numbers. Parameters of the upper trapezoid/gaussian function. :param domain: list of two numbers. Limits of the domain if the fuzzy set. :param alpha_cuts: list of real numbers. Alpha cuts of the fuzzy set. :param unit_resolution: real number. Resolution of the primary membership function. ''' if mnt.save_usage_flag: mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.FuzzySets][self.type().name] += 1 = name self.domain = domain self.secondary_memberships = secondary_memberships self.alpha_cuts = alpha_cuts self.iv_secondary_memberships = {} self.unit_resolution = unit_resolution og_keys = list(self.secondary_memberships.keys()) self.significant_decimals = significant_decimals self.domain_init = int( float(og_keys[0]) * 10**self.significant_decimals) formatted_keys = [('%.' + str(self.significant_decimals) + 'f') % xz for xz in np.array(list(self.secondary_memberships.keys()))] for og_key, formatted_key in zip(og_keys, formatted_keys): secondary_memberships[formatted_key] = self.secondary_memberships.pop( og_key) self.sample_unit_domain = np.arange( 0, 1 + self.unit_resolution, self.unit_resolution) for ix, alpha_cut in enumerate(alpha_cuts): level_memberships = {} array_level_memberships = np.zeros( (len(secondary_memberships.items()), 2)) for jx, (x, fs) in enumerate(secondary_memberships.items()): alpha_primary_memberships = fs.membership( self.sample_unit_domain) alpha_membership = alpha_primary_memberships >= alpha_cut try: b = self.sample_unit_domain[np.argwhere( alpha_membership)[0]][0] c = self.sample_unit_domain[np.argwhere( alpha_membership)[-1]][0] except IndexError: # If no numbers are bigger than alpha, then it is because of rounding errors near 0. So, we fix this manually. b = 0 c = 0 alpha_cut_interval = [b, c] level_memberships[x] = alpha_cut_interval array_level_memberships[jx, :] = np.array(alpha_cut_interval) self.iv_secondary_memberships[alpha_cut] = array_level_memberships
[docs] def membership(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the alpha cut memberships of a point. :param x: input values in the fuzzy set referencial domain. :return: np array samples x alpha_cuts x 2 ''' x = np.array(x) # locate the x in the secondary membership formatted_x = ( x * 10**self.significant_decimals).astype(int) - self.domain_init # Once the x is located we compute the function for each alpha cut alpha_cut_memberships = [] for ix, alpha in enumerate(self.alpha_cuts): ivfs = np.squeeze( np.array(self.iv_secondary_memberships[alpha][formatted_x])) alpha_cut_memberships.append(np.squeeze(ivfs)) alpha_cut_memberships = np.array(alpha_cut_memberships) # So that the result is samples x alpha_cuts x 2 return np.swapaxes(alpha_cut_memberships, 0, 1)
[docs] def type(self) -> FUZZY_SETS: return FUZZY_SETS.gt2
def _alpha_reduction(self, x) -> np.array: ''' Computes the type reduction to reduce the alpha cuts to one value. :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the memberships of the consequents for each sample. ''' if len(x.shape) == 3: formatted = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims( np.array(self.alpha_cuts), axis=1), axis=0) else: formatted = self.alpha_cuts return np.sum(formatted * x, axis=-1) / np.sum(self.alpha_cuts)
[docs] def alpha_reduction(self, x) -> np.array: ''' Computes the type reduction to reduce the alpha cuts to one value. :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the memberships of the consequents for each sample. ''' return self._alpha_reduction(x)
[docs] class gaussianIVFS(IVFS): ''' Class to define a iv fuzzy set with gaussian membership. '''
[docs] def membership(self, input: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the gaussian iv-membership of a point or a vector. :param input: input values in the fuzzy set referencial domain. :return: np array samples x 2 ''' lower = _gaussian2(input, self.secondMF_lower) upper = _gaussian2(input, self.secondMF_upper) return np.array(np.concatenate([lower, upper])).T
[docs] def type(self) -> FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the type of the fuzzy set. (t1) ''' return FUZZY_SETS.t2
[docs] def shape(self) -> str: ''' Returns the shape of the fuzzy set. :return: string. ''' return 'gaussian'
[docs] class gaussianFS(FS): ''' Class to define a gaussian fuzzy set. '''
[docs] def membership(self, input: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the gaussian membership of a point or a vector. :param input: input values in the fuzzy set referencial domain. :return: np array samples ''' return _gaussian2(input, self.membership_parameters)
[docs] def type(self) -> FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the type of the fuzzy set. (t1) ''' return FUZZY_SETS.t1
[docs] def shape(self) -> str: ''' Returns the shape of the fuzzy set. :return: string. ''' return 'gaussian'
[docs] class fuzzyVariable(): ''' Class to implement a fuzzy Variable. Contains a series of fuzzy sets and computes the memberships to all of them. ''' def __init__(self, name: str, fuzzy_sets: list[FS], units:str=None) -> None: ''' Creates a fuzzy variable. :param name: string. Name of the fuzzy variable. :param fuzzy_sets: list of IVFS. Each of the fuzzy sets that comprises the linguist variables of the fuzzy variable. :param units: string. Units of the fuzzy variable. Only for printings purposes. ''' self.linguistic_variables = [] = name self.units = units for ix, fs in enumerate(fuzzy_sets): self.linguistic_variables.append(fs) self.fs_type = self.linguistic_variables[0].type()
[docs] def append(self, fs: FS) -> None: ''' Appends a fuzzy set to the fuzzy variable. :param fs: FS. Fuzzy set to append. ''' self.linguistic_variables.append(fs)
[docs] def linguistic_variable_names(self) -> list: ''' Returns the name of the linguistic variables. :return: list of strings. ''' return [ for fs in self.linguistic_variables]
[docs] def get_linguistic_variables(self) -> list[FS]: ''' Returns the name of the linguistic variables. :return: list of strings. ''' return self.linguistic_variables
[docs] def compute_memberships(self, x: np.array) -> list: ''' Computes the membership to each of the FS in the fuzzy variables. :param x: numeric value or array. Computes the membership to each of the FS in the fuzzy variables. :return: list of floats. Membership to each of the FS in the fuzzy variables. ''' res = [] for fuzzy_set in self.linguistic_variables: res.append(fuzzy_set.membership(x)) return res
[docs] def domain(self) -> list[float]: ''' Returns the domain of the fuzzy variable. :return: list of floats. ''' return self.linguistic_variables[0].domain
[docs] def fuzzy_type(self) -> FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the fuzzy type of the domain :return: the type of the fuzzy set present in the fuzzy variable. ''' return self.fs_type
def __getitem__(self, item) -> FS: ''' Returns the corresponding fs. :param item: int. Index of the FS. :return: FS. The corresponding FS. ''' return self.linguistic_variables[item] def __setitem__(self, item: int, elem: FS) -> None: ''' Sets the corresponding fs. :param item: int. Index of the FS. :param elem: FS. The FS to set. ''' self.linguistic_variables[item] = elem def __iter__(self) -> Generator[FS, None, None]: ''' Returns the corresponding fs. :param item: int. Index of the FS. :return: FS. The corresponding FS. ''' for fs in self.linguistic_variables: yield fs def __len__(self) -> int: ''' Returns the number of linguistic variables. :return: int. Number of linguistic variables. ''' return len(self.linguistic_variables) def __call__(self, x: np.array) -> list: ''' Computes the membership to each of the FS in the fuzzy variables. :param x: numeric value or array. :return: list of floats. Membership to each of the FS in the fuzzy variables. ''' return self.compute_memberships(x)