Load the rules of a fuzzy rules system using plain text format.
import numpy as np
import re
modifier_string_pattern = r'\(MOD\s+(\w+)\)'
from . import fuzzy_sets as fs
from . import rules
from . import maintenance as mnt
except ImportError:
import fuzzy_sets as fs
import rules
import maintenance as mnt
def _extract_mod_word(text):
pattern = r'\(MOD\s+([^)]+)\)'
match = re.search(pattern, text)
if match:
return match.group(1)
return None
def _remove_mod_completely(text):
pattern = r'\(MOD\s+([^)]+)\)'
replacement = ''
return re.sub(pattern, replacement, text)
import re
def remove_parentheses(text):
return re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', text)
def load_fuzzy_rules(rules_printed: str, fuzzy_variables: list) -> rules.MasterRuleBase:
Load the rules from a string.
:param rules_printed: string with the rules. Follows the specification given by the same printing method of rules.MasterRuleBase
:param fuzzy_variables: list with the linguistic variables. Objects of FuzzyVariable class.
:return mrule_base: object of MasterRuleBase class that contains the rules.
if mnt.save_usage_flag:
mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.Persistence]['persistence_read'] += 1
consequent = 0
linguistic_variables_names = [linguistic_variable.name for linguistic_variable in fuzzy_variables]
value_names = [x.name for x in fuzzy_variables[0]]
fz_type = fuzzy_variables[0].fuzzy_type()
consequent_names = []
detected_modifiers = False
for line in rules_printed.splitlines():
if line.startswith('IF'):
#Is a rule
antecedents , consequent_ds = line.split('WITH')
# Try to look for weight and accuracy in the rule
rule_acc = None
rule_weight = None
for jx, stat in enumerate(consequent_ds.split(',')):
if 'ACC' in stat:
rule_acc = stat.strip()
elif 'WGHT' in stat:
rule_weight = stat.strip()
consequent_ds = remove_parentheses(consequent_ds)
consequent_ds = consequent_ds.split(',')[0].strip()
modifiers = np.ones((len(fuzzy_variables),))
init_rule_antecedents = np.zeros(
(len(fuzzy_variables),)) - 1 # -1 is dont care
for lx, antecedent in enumerate(antecedents.split('AND')):
antecedent = antecedent.replace('IF', '').strip()
if 'MOD' in antecedent:
detected_modifiers = True
modifier_value = _extract_mod_word(antecedent)
antecedent = _remove_mod_completely(antecedent)
if modifier_value in rules.modifiers_names.keys():
modifiers[lx] = rules.modifiers_names[modifier_value]
antecedent_name, antecedent_value = antecedent.split('IS')
antecedent_name = antecedent_name.strip()
antecedent_value = antecedent_value.strip()
antecedent_index = linguistic_variables_names.index(antecedent_name)
antecedent_value_index = value_names.index(antecedent_value)
init_rule_antecedents[antecedent_index] = antecedent_value_index
rule_simple = rules.RuleSimple(init_rule_antecedents, 0)
rule_simple.score = float(consequent_ds[3:].strip()) # We remove the 'DS ' and the last space
rule_simple.accuracy = float(rule_acc[4:].strip()) # We remove the 'ACC ' and the last space
rule_simple.weight = float(rule_weight[4:].strip())
ds_mode = 2
ds_mode = 0
rule_simple.modifiers = modifiers
elif line.startswith('Rules'):
#New consequent
consequent_name = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
if consequent > 0:
if fz_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
rule_base = rules.RuleBaseT1(fuzzy_variables, reconstructed_rules)
elif fz_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
rule_base = rules.RuleBaseT2(fuzzy_variables, reconstructed_rules)
elif fz_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
rule_base = rules.RuleBaseGT2(fuzzy_variables, reconstructed_rules)
if consequent == 1:
mrule_base = rules.MasterRuleBase([rule_base], ds_mode=ds_mode)
elif consequent > 1:
reconstructed_rules = []
consequent += 1
# We add the last rule base
if fz_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
rule_base = rules.RuleBaseT1(fuzzy_variables, reconstructed_rules)
elif fz_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
rule_base = rules.RuleBaseT2(fuzzy_variables, reconstructed_rules)
elif fz_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
rule_base = rules.RuleBaseGT2(fuzzy_variables, reconstructed_rules)
return mrule_base
def load_fuzzy_variables(fuzzy_variables_printed: str) -> list:
Load the linguistic variables from a string.
:param fuzzy_variables_printed: string with the linguistic variables. Follows the specification given by the same printing method of FuzzyVariable class.
:return fuzzy_variables: list with the linguistic variables. Objects of FuzzyVariable class.
if mnt.save_usage_flag:
mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.Persistence]['persistence_read'] += 1
fuzzy_set_type = fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1
fuzzy_variables = []
active_linguistic_variables = False
for line in fuzzy_variables_printed.splitlines():
if line.startswith('$$$') or line.startswith('$Fuzzy'):
#New linguistic variable
if active_linguistic_variables:
object_fvar = fs.fuzzyVariable(linguistic_variable_name, linguistic_var_fuzzy_sets, fvar_units)
linguistic_var_fuzzy_sets = []
linguistic_variable_name = line.split(':')[1].strip()
fvar_units = line.split(':')[2].strip()
fvar_units = None
active_linguistic_variables = True
elif line == '':
processes_line = line.split(';')
if processes_line[1] == 'Categorical':
categories = processes_line[0].split(',')
if fuzzy_set_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
fscat_categories = [fs.categoricalFS(category, category) for category in categories]
elif fuzzy_set_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
fscat_categories = [fs.categoricalFS(category, category) for category in categories]
#We know there is one categorical variable active
for fscat in fscat_categories:
#We know there is one fuzzy variable active
fields = processes_line
if len(fields) == 4:
name, domain, membership_type, mem1 = fields
elif len(fields) > 4:
name, domain, membership_type, mem1, mem2, height = fields
fuzzy_set_type = fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2
mem2 = [float(x) for x in mem2.split(',')]
height = float(height)
domain = [float(x) for x in domain.split(',')]
mem = [float(x) for x in mem1.split(',')]
if membership_type == 'gauss':
if fuzzy_set_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
constructed_fs = fs.gaussianFS(name, mem, domain)
elif fuzzy_set_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
constructed_fs = fs.gaussianIVFS(name, mem1, mem2, domain, height)
elif membership_type == 'trap':
if fuzzy_set_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
constructed_fs = fs.FS(name, mem, domain)
elif fuzzy_set_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
constructed_fs = fs.IVFS(name, mem, mem2, domain, height)
if active_linguistic_variables:
object_fvar = fs.fuzzyVariable(linguistic_variable_name, linguistic_var_fuzzy_sets, fvar_units)
return fuzzy_variables
def print_fuzzy_variable(fuzzy_variable: fs.fuzzyVariable) -> str:
Save the linguistic variable to a string.
:param fuzzy_variable: linguistic variable. Object of FuzzyVariable class.
:return fuzzy_variable_printed: string with the linguistic variable. Follows the specification given by the same printing method of FuzzyVariable class.
if mnt.save_usage_flag:
mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.Persistence]['persistence_write'] += 1
if isinstance(fuzzy_variable[0], fs.categoricalFS):
fuzzy_variable_printed = '$Categorical variable: ' + fuzzy_variable.name
if fuzzy_variable.units is not None:
fuzzy_variable_printed += ' : ' + fuzzy_variable.units
fuzzy_variable_printed += '\n'
for fuzzy_set in fuzzy_variable.fuzzy_sets:
fuzzy_variable_printed += fuzzy_set.name + ','
fuzzy_variable_printed += 'Categorical\n'
fuzzy_variable_printed = '$$$ Linguistic variable: ' + fuzzy_variable.name
if fuzzy_variable.units is not None:
fuzzy_variable_printed += ' : ' + fuzzy_variable.units
fuzzy_variable_printed += '\n'
for fuzzy_set in fuzzy_variable.linguistic_variables:
if isinstance(fuzzy_set, fs.gaussianIVFS):
fuzzy_variable_printed += fuzzy_set.name + ';' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.domain]) + ';' + 'gauss;' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.secondMF_lower]) + ';' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.secondMF_upper]) + ';' + str(fuzzy_set.lower_height) + '\n'
elif isinstance(fuzzy_set, fs.IVFS):
fuzzy_variable_printed += fuzzy_set.name + ';' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.domain]) + ';' + 'trap;' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.secondMF_lower]) + ';' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.secondMF_upper]) + ';' + str(fuzzy_set.lower_height) + '\n'
elif isinstance(fuzzy_set, fs.gaussianFS):
fuzzy_variable_printed += fuzzy_set.name + ';' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.domain]) + ';' + 'gauss;' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.membership_parameters]) + '\n'
elif isinstance(fuzzy_set, fs.FS):
fuzzy_variable_printed += fuzzy_set.name + ';' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.domain]) + ';' + 'trap;' + ','.join([str(x) for x in fuzzy_set.membership_parameters]) + '\n'
return fuzzy_variable_printed
def save_fuzzy_variables(fuzzy_variables: list) -> str:
Save the linguistic variables to a string.
:param fuzzy_variables: list with the linguistic variables. Objects of FuzzyVariable class.
:return fuzzy_variables_printed: string with the linguistic variables. Follows the specification given by the same printing method of FuzzyVariable class.
if mnt.save_usage_flag:
mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.Persistence]['persistence_write'] += 1
fuzzy_variables_printed = ''
for fvar in fuzzy_variables:
fuzzy_variables_printed += print_fuzzy_variable(fvar) + '\n'
return fuzzy_variables_printed