Module to perform rule mining in a pandas dataframe or numpy array. The methods use the support of the different itemsets to look for good
rule candidates. It can be used then by a Genetic optimizator from evolutionary_fit module to search the optimal combination of them.
import typing
from itertools import product, combinations
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from . import rules as rl
from . import fuzzy_sets as fs
from . import maintenance as mnt
from . import utils
except ImportError:
import utils
import rules as rl
import fuzzy_sets as fs
import maintenance as mnt
def _generate_combinations(lists: list, k: int) -> typing.Iterator:
Generate all the combinations between elements of different lists of length k without repeting elements of the same list.
:param lists: list of lists.
:param k: integer with the length of the combinations.
:return: a list with all the combinations.
# Get all combinations of elements for k
all_combs = combinations(np.arange(len(lists)), k)
# For those elements, get the cartesian product between them
for comb in all_combs:
selected_lists = [lists[x] for x in comb]
all_combinations = product(*selected_lists)
# Add them to the global combination list
yield all_combinations
def rule_search(data: pd.DataFrame, fuzzy_variables: dict[fs.fuzzyVariable], support_threshold:float=0.05, max_depth:int=None) -> list:
Computes the apriori algorithm for the given dataframe and threshold the support.
:param data: Dataframe of shape: samples x features
:param fuzzy variables: dict that maps each feature name with a fuzzy variable.
:param support_threshold: minimum support to consider frequent an itemset.
:return: all the frequent itemsets as a list.
list_possible_vars = []
for ix, fuzzy_variable in enumerate(fuzzy_variables):
list_possible_vars.append([(ix, ax) for ax in range(len(fuzzy_variable))])
memberships = [fuzzy_variables[ix](data.iloc[:, ix].values) for ix in range(data.shape[1])]
freq_itemsets = []
if max_depth is None:
max_depth = data.shape[1]
# For all possible lengths
for r in range(max_depth):
all_r_combs = _generate_combinations(list_possible_vars, r+1)
# Iterate through the possible itemsets
for itemsets in all_r_combs:
for ix, itemset in enumerate(itemsets):
relevant_memberships = []
for item in itemset:
item_var, item_vl = item
array_membership = np.array(relevant_memberships).T[:,0,:]
support = np.mean(np.min(array_membership, axis=1))
if fuzzy_variables[0].fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2 or fuzzy_variables[0].fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
support = np.mean(support, axis=1)
if support > support_threshold:
return freq_itemsets
def generate_rules_from_itemsets(itemsets:list, nAnts:int) -> list[rl.RuleSimple]:
Given a list of itemsets, it creates the rules for each one and returns a list of rules containing them.
:param itemsets: list of tuple (antecedent, linguistic variable value)
:param nAnts: number of possible antecedents.
:return: the rules for ech itemset.
rules = []
for itemset in itemsets:
template = np.ones((nAnts, )) * -1
for ant, vl in itemset:
template[ant] = vl
rule = rl.RuleSimple(list(template))
return rules
def mine_rulebase_support(x: pd.DataFrame, fuzzy_variables:list[fs.fuzzyVariable], support_threshold:float=0.05, max_depth:int=3) -> rl.RuleBase:
Search the data for associations that are frequent given a list of fuzzy variables for each antecedent.
:param x: the data to mine. Dims: samples x features.
:param fuzzy_variables: list of the fuzzy variables for each of the input variables.
:param support_threshold: minimum threshold to decide if prune or not the rule.
:param max_depth: maximum number of antecedents per rule.
:return: a rulebase object with the rules denoted as good.
if mnt.save_usage_flag:
mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.RuleMining]['mine_rulebase'] += 1
freq_itemsets = rule_search(x, fuzzy_variables, support_threshold, max_depth)
rule_list = generate_rules_from_itemsets(freq_itemsets, len(fuzzy_variables))
fuzzy_type = fuzzy_variables[0].fs_type
if fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
rule_base = rl.RuleBaseT1(fuzzy_variables, rule_list)
elif fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
rule_base = rl.RuleBaseT2(fuzzy_variables, rule_list)
elif fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
rule_base = rl.RuleBaseGT2(fuzzy_variables, rule_list)
return rule_base
def prune_rules_confidence_lift(x: pd.DataFrame, y:np.array, rules: rl.MasterRuleBase, fuzzy_variables: list[fs.fuzzyVariable], confidence_threshold:float=0.5,
Removes the rules from the rule base that do not meet a minimum value for confidence and lift measures.
Confidence is the ratio of rules that have a particular antecedent and consequent, and those that only have the antecedent.
Lift is ratio between confidence and expected confidence, which is the percentage of class samples in the original data.
:param x: data to mine. samples x features.
:param y: class vector.
:param rules: MasterRuleBase object with the rules to prune.
:param fuzzy_variables: a list of the fuzzy variables per antecedent.
:param confidence_threshold: minimum confidence required to the rules.
:param lift_threshold: minimum lift required to the rules.
for ix, rule_base in enumerate(rules):
delete_list = []
relevant_class = ix
relevant_class_samples = x.loc[np.equal(y, relevant_class), :]
for jx, rule in enumerate(rule_base):
real_nAnts = sum([ant != -1 for ant in rule])
global_membership_array = np.zeros((x.shape[0], real_nAnts))
class_samples_membership_array = np.zeros((relevant_class_samples.shape[0], real_nAnts))
ant_counter = 0
for zx, antecedent in enumerate(rule):
if antecedent != -1:
global_membership_array[:, ant_counter] = fuzzy_variables[zx](x[fuzzy_variables[zx].name])[antecedent]
class_samples_membership_array[:, ant_counter] = fuzzy_variables[zx](relevant_class_samples[fuzzy_variables[zx].name])[antecedent]
ant_counter += 1
# Compute rule confidence
global_support = np.mean(np.min(global_membership_array, axis=1), axis=0)
class_support = np.mean(np.min(class_samples_membership_array, axis=1), axis=0)
if fuzzy_variables[0].fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2 or fuzzy_variables[0].fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
global_support = np.mean(global_support, axis=1)
class_support = np.mean(class_support, axis=1)
rule_confidence = class_support / global_support
rule_lift = rule_confidence / np.mean(np.equal(relevant_class, y))
if rule_confidence < confidence_threshold or rule_lift < lift_threshold:
def simple_mine_rulebase(x: pd.DataFrame, fuzzy_type:fs.FUZZY_SETS=fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1, support_threshold:float=0.05, max_depth:int=3) -> rl.RuleBase:
Search the data for associations that are frequent. Computes the fuzzy variables using a 3 label partition (low, medium, high).
:param x: the data to mine. Dims: samples x features.
:param fuzzy_type: fuzzy type to use.
:param support_threshold: minimum threshold to decide if prune or not the rule.
:param max_depth: maximum number of antecedents per rule.
:return: a rulebase object with the rules denoted as good.
precomputed_partitions = utils.construct_partitions(x, fuzzy_type)
return mine_rulebase_support(x, precomputed_partitions, support_threshold, max_depth)
def multiclass_mine_rulebase(x: pd.DataFrame, y: np.array, fuzzy_variables:list[fs.fuzzyVariable], support_threshold:float=0.05, max_depth:int=3,
confidence_threshold:float=0.05, lift_threshold:float=1.05) -> rl.MasterRuleBase:
Search the data for associations that are frequent and have good confidence/lift values given a list of fuzzy variables for each antecedent. Computes a different ruleBase for each
class and then uses them to form a MasterRuleBase.
:param x: the data to mine. Dims: samples x features.
:param fuzzy_variables: list of the fuzzy variables for each of the input variables.
:param support_threshold: minimum threshold to decide if prune or not the rule.
:param max_depth: maximum number of antecedents per rule.
:param confidence_threshold: minimum confidence value.
:param lift_threshold:
:return: a rulebase object with the rules denoted as good.
unique_classes = np.unique(y)
rulebases = []
for yclass in unique_classes:
selected_samples = np.equal(yclass, y)
selected_x = x.loc[selected_samples, :]
rulebase = mine_rulebase_support(selected_x, fuzzy_variables, support_threshold, max_depth)
master_rulebase = rl.MasterRuleBase(rulebases, list(map(str, unique_classes)))
prune_rules_confidence_lift(x, y, master_rulebase, fuzzy_variables, confidence_threshold, lift_threshold)
return master_rulebase
def simple_multiclass_mine_rulebase(x: pd.DataFrame, y: np.array, fuzzy_type:fs.FUZZY_SETS, support_threshold:float=0.05, max_depth:int=3,
confidence_threshold:float=0.5, lift_threshold:float=1.1) -> rl.MasterRuleBase:
Search the data for associations that are frequent and have good confidence/lift values given a list of fuzzy variables for each antecedent.
Computes a different ruleBase for each class and then uses them to form a MasterRuleBase.
Computes the fuzzy variables using a 3 label partition (low, medium, high).
:param x: the data to mine. Dims: samples x features.
:param fuzzy_type: fuzzy type to use.
:param support_threshold: minimum threshold to decide if prune or not the rule.
:param max_depth: maximum number of antecedents per rule.
:return: a rulebase object with the rules denoted as good.
precomputed_partitions = utils.construct_partitions(x, fuzzy_type)
return multiclass_mine_rulebase(x, y, precomputed_partitions, support_threshold, max_depth,
confidence_threshold=confidence_threshold, lift_threshold=lift_threshold)