Source code for ex_fuzzy.rules

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a the source file that contains the Rule, RuleBase and MasterRuleBase classes to perform fuzzy inference.

import abc
import numbers

import numpy as np
    from . import fuzzy_sets as fs
    from . import centroid
except ImportError:
    import fuzzy_sets as fs
    import centroid

modifiers_names = {0.5: 'Somewhat', 1.0: '', 1.3: 'A little', 1.7: 'Slightly', 2.0: 'Very', 3.0: 'Extremely', 4.0: 'Very very'}

[docs] def compute_antecedents_memberships(antecedents: list[fs.fuzzyVariable], x: np.array) -> list[dict]: ''' Returns a list of of dictionaries that contains the memberships for each x value to the ith antecedents, nth linguistic variable. x must be a vector (only one sample) :param x: vector with the values of the inputs. :return: a list with the antecedent truth values for each one. Each list is comprised of a list with n elements, where n is the number of linguistic variables in each variable. ''' x = np.array(x) cache_antecedent_memberships = [] for ix, antecedent in enumerate(antecedents): cache_antecedent_memberships.append( antecedent.compute_memberships(x[:, ix])) return cache_antecedent_memberships
[docs] class RuleError(Exception): ''' Exception raised when a rule is not well defined. ''' def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: ''' Constructor of the RuleError class. :param message: message of the error. ''' super().__init__(message)
def _myprod(x: np.array, y: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Proxy function to change the product operation interface ''' return x*y
[docs] class Rule(): ''' Class of Rule designed to work with one single rule. It contains the whole inference functionally in itself. ''' def __init__(self, antecedents: list[fs.FS], consequent: fs.FS) -> None: ''' Creates a rule with the given antecedents and consequent. :param antecedents: list of fuzzy sets. :param consequent: fuzzy set. ''' self.antecedents = antecedents self.consequent = consequent
[docs] def membership(self, x: np.array, tnorm=_myprod) -> np.array: ''' Computes the membership of one input to the antecedents of the rule. :param x: input to compute the membership. :param tnorm: t-norm to use in the inference process. ''' for ix, antecedent in enumerate(self.antecedents): if ix == 0: res = antecedent.membership(x) else: res = tnorm(res, antecedent.membership(x)) return res
[docs] def consequent_centroid(self) -> np.array: ''' Returns the centroid of the consequent using a Karnik and Mendel algorithm. ''' try: return self.centroid_consequent except AttributeError: consequent_domain = self.consequent.domain domain_linspace = np.arange( consequent_domain[0], consequent_domain[1], 0.05) consequent_memberships = self.consequent.membership( domain_linspace) self.centroid_consequent = centroid.compute_centroid_fs( domain_linspace, consequent_memberships) return self.centroid_consequent
[docs] class RuleSimple(): ''' Class designed to represent rules in its simplest form to optimize the computation in a rulebase. It indicates the antecedent values using a vector coded in this way: ith entry: -1 means this variable is not used. 0-N indicates that the variable linguistic used for the ith input is that one. ''' def __init__(self, antecedents: list[int], consequent: int=0, modifiers: np.array=None) -> None: ''' Creates a rule with the given antecedents and consequent. :param antecedents: list of integers indicating the linguistic variable used for each input. :param consequent: integer indicating the linguistic variable used for the consequent. ''' self.antecedents = list(map(int, antecedents)) self.consequent = int(consequent) #self.score = 1.0 self.modifiers = modifiers #self.weight = weight def __getitem__(self, ix): ''' Returns the antecedent value for the given index. :param ix: index of the antecedent to return. ''' return self.antecedents[ix] def __setitem__(self, ix, value): ''' Sets the antecedent value for the given index. :param ix: index of the antecedent to set. :param value: value to set. ''' self.antecedents[ix] = value def __str__(self): ''' Returns a string representation of the rule. ''' aux = 'Rule: antecedents: ' + str(self.antecedents) + ' consequent: ' + str(self.consequent) try: if self.modifiers is not None: aux += ' modifiers: ' + str(self.modifiers) except AttributeError: pass try: aux += ' score: ' + str(self.score) except AttributeError: pass try: aux += ' weight: ' + str(self.weight) except AttributeError: pass try: aux += ' accuracy: ' + str(self.accuracy) except AttributeError: pass try: aux += ' p-value class structure: ' + str(self.p_value_class_structure) except AttributeError: pass try: aux += ' p-value feature coalitions: ' + str(self.p_value_feature_coalitions) except AttributeError: pass try: aux += ' p-value bootstrapping membership validation: ' + str(self.boot_p_value) except AttributeError: pass try: aux += ' bootstrapping confidence conf. interval: ' + str(self.boot_confidence_interval) except AttributeError: pass try: aux += ' bootstrapping support conf. interval: ' + str(self.boot_support_interval) except AttributeError: pass return aux def __len__(self): ''' Returns the number of antecedents in the rule. ''' return len(self.antecedents) def __eq__(self, other): ''' Returns True if the two rules are equal. ''' return self.antecedents == other.antecedents and self.consequent == other.consequent def __hash__(self): ''' Returns the hash of the rule. ''' return hash(str(self))
[docs] class RuleBase(): ''' Class optimized to work with multiple rules at the same time. Right now supports only one consequent. (Solution: use one rulebase per consequent to study) ''' def __init__(self, antecedents: list[fs.fuzzyVariable], rules: list[RuleSimple], consequent: fs.fuzzyVariable=None, -> None: ''' Creates a rulebase with the given antecedents, rules and consequent. :param antecedents: list of fuzzy sets. :param rules: list of rules. :param consequent: fuzzy set. :param tnorm: t-norm to use in the inference process. :param fuzzy_modifiers: array with the fuzzy modifiers for each rule. If None, no modifiers are used. (Fuzzy modifiers are modifiers to the antecedent memberships, also known as linguistic hedges). Only exponentiation is supported. (x**a, being a the modifier in the matrix). Defaults to None. They can also be specified in the RuleSimple list of rules. ''' rules = self.delete_rule_duplicates(rules) self.rules = rules self.antecedents = antecedents self.consequent = consequent self.tnorm = tnorm if consequent is not None: self.consequent_centroids = np.zeros( (len(consequent.linguistic_variable_names()), 2)) for ix, vl_consequent in enumerate(consequent.linguistic_variables): consequent_domain = vl_consequent.domain domain_linspace = np.arange( consequent_domain[0], consequent_domain[1], 0.05) consequent_memberships = vl_consequent.membership(domain_linspace) self.consequent_centroids[ix, :] = centroid.compute_centroid_iv( domain_linspace, consequent_memberships) self.consequent_centroids_rules = np.zeros((len(self.rules), 2)) for ix, rule in enumerate(self.rules): consequent_ix = rule.consequent self.consequent_centroids_rules[ix] = self.consequent_centroids[consequent_ix] self.delete_duplicates()
[docs] def get_rules(self) -> list[RuleSimple]: ''' Returns the list of rules in the rulebase. ''' return self.rules
[docs] def add_rule(self, new_rule: RuleSimple): ''' Adds a new rule to the rulebase. :param new_rule: rule to add. ''' self.rules.append(new_rule)
[docs] def add_rules(self, new_rules: list[RuleSimple]): ''' Adds a list of new rules to the rulebase. :param new_rules: list of rules to add. ''' self.rules += new_rules
[docs] def remove_rule(self, ix: int) -> None: ''' Removes the rule in the given index. :param ix: index of the rule to remove. ''' del self.rules[ix]
[docs] def remove_rules(self, delete_list: list[int]) -> None: ''' Removes the rules in the given list of indexes. :param delete_list: list of indexes of the rules to remove. ''' self.rules = [rule for ix, rule in enumerate( self.rules) if ix not in delete_list]
[docs] def get_rulebase_matrix(self): ''' Returns a matrix with the antecedents values for each rule. ''' res = np.zeros((len(self.rules), len(self.antecedents))) for ix, rule in enumerate(self.rules): res[ix] = rule return res
[docs] def get_scores(self): ''' Returns an array with the dominance score for each rule. (Must been already computed by an evalRule object) ''' res = np.zeros((len(self.rules, ))) for ix, rule in enumerate(self.rules): res[ix] = rule.score return res
[docs] def get_weights(self): ''' Returns an array with the weights for each rule. (Different from dominance scores: must been already computed by an optimization algorithm) ''' res = np.zeros((len(self.rules, ))) for ix, rule in enumerate(self.rules): res[ix] = rule.weight return res
def delete_rule_duplicates(self, list_rules:list[RuleSimple]): # Delete the rules that are duplicated in the rule list unique = {} for ix, rule in enumerate(list_rules): try: unique[rule] except KeyError: unique[rule] = ix new_list = [list_rules[x] for x in unique.values()] return new_list
[docs] def compute_antecedents_memberships(self, x: np.array) -> list[dict]: ''' Returns a list of of dictionaries that contains the memberships for each x value to the ith antecedents, nth linguistic variable. x must be a vector (only one sample) :param x: vector with the values of the inputs. :return: a list with the antecedent truth values for each one. Each list is comprised of a list with n elements, where n is the number of linguistic variables in each variable. ''' if len(self.rules) > 0: cache_antecedent_memberships = [] for ix, antecedent in enumerate(self.antecedents): # Check if x is pandas if hasattr(x, 'values'): x = x.values cache_antecedent_memberships.append( antecedent.compute_memberships(x[:, ix])) return cache_antecedent_memberships else: if self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1: return [np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1))] elif self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2: return [np.zeros((x.shape[0], 1, 2))] elif self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2: return [np.zeros((x.shape[0], len(self.alpha_cuts), 2))]
[docs] def compute_rule_antecedent_memberships(self, x: np.array, scaled=False, antecedents_memberships:list[np.array]=None) -> np.array: ''' Computes the antecedent truth value of an input array. Return an array in shape samples x rules (x 2) (last is iv dimension) :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :param scaled: if True, the memberships are scaled according to their sums for each sample. :return: array with the memberships of the antecedents for each rule. ''' if self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2: res = np.zeros((x.shape[0], len(self.rules), 2)) elif self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1: res = np.zeros((x.shape[0], len(self.rules), )) elif self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2: res = np.zeros( (x.shape[0], len(self.rules), len(self.alpha_cuts), 2)) if antecedents_memberships is None: antecedents_memberships = self.compute_antecedents_memberships(x) for jx, rule in enumerate(self.rules): rule_antecedents = rule.antecedents try: fuzzy_modifier = rule.modifiers except AttributeError: fuzzy_modifier = None if self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1: membership = np.zeros((x.shape[0], len(rule_antecedents))) elif self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2: membership = np.zeros((x.shape[0], len(rule_antecedents), 2)) elif self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2: membership = np.zeros( (x.shape[0], len(rule_antecedents), len(self.alpha_cuts), 2)) n_nonvl = 0 for ix, vl in enumerate(rule_antecedents): if vl >= 0: membership_antecedent = list(antecedents_memberships[ix])[vl] if fuzzy_modifier is not None: if fuzzy_modifier[ix] != -1: membership[:, ix] = membership_antecedent**fuzzy_modifier[ix] else: membership[:, ix] = membership_antecedent else: membership[:, ix] = membership_antecedent n_nonvl += 1 else: membership[:, ix] = 1.0 if n_nonvl == 0: membership[:, ix] = 0.0 membership = self.tnorm(membership, axis=1) try: res[:, jx] = membership except UnboundLocalError: pass # All the antecedents are dont care. if scaled: if self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1: non_zero_rows = np.sum(res, axis=1) > 0 res[non_zero_rows] = res[non_zero_rows] / \ np.sum(res[non_zero_rows], axis=1, keepdims=True) elif self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2: non_zero_rows = np.sum(res[:, :, 0], axis=1) > 0 res[non_zero_rows, :, 0] = res[non_zero_rows, :, 0] / \ np.sum(res[non_zero_rows, :, 0], axis=1, keepdims=True) non_zero_rows = np.sum(res[:, :, 1], axis=1) > 0 res[non_zero_rows, :, 1] = res[non_zero_rows, :, 1] / \ np.sum(res[non_zero_rows, :, 1], axis=1, keepdims=True) elif self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2: for ix, alpha in enumerate(self.alpha_cuts): relevant_res = res[:, :, ix, :] non_zero_rows = np.sum(relevant_res[:, :, 0], axis=1) > 0 relevant_res[non_zero_rows, :, 0] = relevant_res[non_zero_rows, :, 0] / \ np.sum(relevant_res[non_zero_rows, :, 0], axis=1, keepdims=True) non_zero_rows = np.sum(relevant_res[:, :, 1], axis=1) > 0 relevant_res[non_zero_rows, :, 1] = relevant_res[non_zero_rows, :, 1] / \ np.sum(relevant_res[non_zero_rows, :, 1], axis=1, keepdims=True) res[:, :, ix, :] = relevant_res return res
[docs] def print_rules(self, return_rules:bool=False, bootstrap_results:bool=True) -> None: ''' Print the rules from the rule base. :param return_rules: if True, the rules are returned as a string. ''' all_rules = '' for ix, rule in enumerate(self.rules): str_rule = generate_rule_string(rule, self.antecedents, bootstrap_results) all_rules += str_rule + '\n' if not return_rules: print(all_rules) else: return all_rules
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def inference(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the fuzzy output of the fl inference system. Return an array in shape samples x 2 (last is iv dimension) :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the memberships of the consequents for each rule. ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def forward(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the deffuzified output of the fl inference system. Return a vector of size (samples, ) :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the deffuzified output. ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fuzzy_type(self) -> fs.FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the corresponding type of the RuleBase using the enum type in the fuzzy_sets module. :return: the type of fuzzy set used in the RuleBase. ''' raise NotImplementedError
def __len__(self): ''' Returns the number of rules in the rule base. ''' return len(self.rules)
[docs] def prune_bad_rules(self, tolerance=0.01) -> None: ''' Delete the rules from the rule base that do not have a dominance score superior to the threshold or have 0 accuracy in the training set. :param tolerance: threshold for the dominance score. ''' delete_list = [] try: for ix, rule in enumerate(self.rules): score = rule.score if (self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2) or (self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2): score = np.mean(score) try: if score < tolerance or rule.accuracy == 0.0: delete_list.append(ix) except AttributeError: if score < tolerance: delete_list.append(ix) except AttributeError: assert False, 'Dominance scores not computed for this rulebase' self.remove_rules(delete_list)
[docs] def scores(self) -> np.array: ''' Returns the dominance score for each rule. :return: array with the dominance score for each rule. ''' scores = [] for rule in self.rules: scores.append(rule.score) return np.array(scores)
def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> RuleSimple: ''' Returns the corresponding rulebase. :param item: index of the rule. :return: the corresponding rule. ''' return self.rules[item] def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: RuleSimple) -> None: ''' Set the corresponding rule. :param key: index of the rule. :param value: new rule. ''' self.rules[key] = value def __iter__(self): ''' Returns an iterator for the rule base. ''' return iter(self.rules) def __str__(self): ''' Returns a string with the rules in the rule base. ''' str_res = '' for rule in self.rules: str_res += str(rule) + '\n' return str_res def __eq__(self, other): ''' Returns True if the two rule bases are equal. ''' return self.rules == other.rules def __hash__(self): ''' Returns the hash of the rule base. ''' return hash(str(self)) def __add__(self, other): ''' Adds two rule bases. ''' return RuleBase(self.antecedents, self.rules + other.rules, self.consequent, self.tnorm)
[docs] def n_linguistic_variables(self) -> int: ''' Returns the number of linguistic variables in the rule base. ''' return [len(amt) for amt in self.antecedents]
[docs] def print_rule_bootstrap_results(self) -> None: ''' Prints the bootstrap results for each rule. ''' for ix, rule in enumerate(self.rules): print('Rule ' + str(ix) + ': ' + str(rule) + ' - Confidence: ' + str(rule.boot_confidence_interval) + ' - Support: ' + str(rule.boot_support_interval))
[docs] class RuleBaseT2(RuleBase): ''' Class optimized to work with multiple rules at the same time. Supports only one consequent. (Use one rulebase per consequent to study classification problems. Check MasterRuleBase class for more documentation) This class supports iv approximation for t2 fs. ''' def __init__(self, antecedents: list[fs.fuzzyVariable], rules: list[RuleSimple], consequent: fs.fuzzyVariable = None, -> None: ''' Constructor of the RuleBaseT2 class. :param antecedents: list of fuzzy variables that are the antecedents of the rules. :param rules: list of rules. :param consequent: fuzzy variable that is the consequent of the rules. :param tnorm: t-norm used to compute the fuzzy output. ''' rules = self.delete_rule_duplicates(rules) self.rules = rules self.antecedents = antecedents self.consequent = consequent self.tnorm = tnorm if consequent is not None: self.consequent_centroids = np.zeros( (len(consequent.linguistic_variable_names()), 2)) for ix, vl_consequent in enumerate(consequent.linguistic_variables): consequent_domain = vl_consequent.domain domain_linspace = np.arange( consequent_domain[0], consequent_domain[1], 0.05) consequent_memberships = vl_consequent.membership( domain_linspace) self.consequent_centroids[ix, :] = centroid.compute_centroid_iv( domain_linspace, consequent_memberships) self.consequent_centroids_rules = np.zeros((len(self.rules), 2)) # If 0, we are classifying and we do not need the consequent centroids. if len(self.consequent_centroids) > 0: for ix, rule in enumerate(self.rules): consequent_ix = rule.consequent self.consequent_centroids_rules[ix] = self.consequent_centroids[consequent_ix]
[docs] def inference(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the iv output of the t2 inference system. Return an array in shape samples x 2 (last is iv dimension) :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the memberships of the consequents for each sample. ''' res = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 2)) antecedent_memberships = self.compute_rule_antecedent_memberships(x) for sample in range(antecedent_memberships.shape[0]): res[sample, :] = centroid.consequent_centroid( antecedent_memberships[sample], self.consequent_centroids_rules) return res
[docs] def forward(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the deffuzified output of the t2 inference system. Return a vector of size (samples, ) :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the deffuzified output for each sample. ''' return np.mean(self.inference(x))
[docs] def fuzzy_type(self) -> fs.FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the correspoing type of the RuleBase using the enum type in the fuzzy_sets module. :return: the corresponding fuzzy set type of the RuleBase. ''' return fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2
[docs] class RuleBaseGT2(RuleBase): ''' Class optimized to work with multiple rules at the same time. Supports only one consequent. (Use one rulebase per consequent to study classification problems. Check MasterRuleBase class for more documentation) This class supports gt2 fs. (ONLY FOR CLASSIFICATION PROBLEMS) ''' def __init__(self, antecedents: list[fs.fuzzyVariable], rules: list[RuleSimple], consequent: fs.fuzzyVariable = None, -> None: ''' Constructor of the RuleBaseGT2 class. :param antecedents: list of fuzzy variables that are the antecedents of the rules. :param rules: list of rules. :param consequent: fuzzy variable that is the consequent of the rules. :param tnorm: t-norm used to compute the fuzzy output. ''' rules = self.delete_rule_duplicates(rules) self.rules = rules self.antecedents = antecedents self.consequent = consequent self.tnorm = tnorm self.alpha_cuts = antecedents[0][0].alpha_cuts try: # We try to get the modifiers from the rules, else, we will use the ones given in the constructor. self.fuzzy_modifiers = np.array([rule.modifiers for rule in rules]) except AttributeError: self.fuzzy_modifier = fuzzy_modifiers
[docs] def inference(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the output of the gt2 inference system. Return an array in shape samples x alpha_cuts :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the memberships of the consequents for each sample. ''' res = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 2)) antecedent_memberships = self.compute_rule_antecedent_memberships(x) for sample in range(antecedent_memberships.shape[0]): res[sample, :] = centroid.consequent_centroid( antecedent_memberships[sample], self.consequent_centroids_rules) return res
def _alpha_reduction(self, x) -> np.array: ''' Computes the type reduction to reduce the alpha cuts to one value. :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the memberships of the consequents for each sample. ''' formtatted = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims( np.array(self.alpha_cuts), axis=1), axis=0), axis=0) return np.sum(formtatted * x, axis=2) / np.sum(self.alpha_cuts)
[docs] def forward(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the deffuzified output of the t2 inference system. Return a vector of size (samples, ) :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the deffuzified output for each sample. ''' return np.sum(np.array(self.alpha_cuts) * (self.inference(x)), axis=1) / np.sum(self.alpha_cuts)
[docs] def fuzzy_type(self) -> fs.FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the correspoing type of the RuleBase using the enum type in the fuzzy_sets module. :return: the corresponding fuzzy set type of the RuleBase. ''' return fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2
[docs] def compute_rule_antecedent_memberships(self, x: np.array, scaled=True, antecedents_memberships=None) -> np.array: ''' Computes the membership for the antecedents performing the alpha_cut reduction. :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :param scaled: if True, the memberships are scaled to sum 1 in each sample. :param antecedents_memberships: precomputed antecedent memberships. Not supported for GT2. :return: array with the memberships of the antecedents for each sample. ''' rules_truth_values = super().compute_rule_antecedent_memberships(x, scaled, antecedents_memberships=antecedents_memberships) return self._alpha_reduction(rules_truth_values)
[docs] def alpha_compute_rule_antecedent_memberships(self, x: np.array, scaled=True, antecedents_memberships=None) -> np.array: ''' Computes the membership for the antecedents for all the alpha cuts. :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :param scaled: if True, the memberships are scaled to sum 1 in each sample. :param antecedents_memberships: precomputed antecedent memberships. Not supported for GT2. :return: array with the memberships of the antecedents for each sample. ''' return super().compute_rule_antecedent_memberships(x, scaled)
[docs] class RuleBaseT1(RuleBase): ''' Class optimized to work with multiple rules at the same time. Supports only one consequent. (Use one rulebase per consequent to study classification problems. Check MasterRuleBase class for more documentation) This class supports t1 fs. ''' def __init__(self, antecedents: list[fs.fuzzyVariable], rules: list[RuleSimple], consequent: fs.fuzzyVariable = None, -> None: ''' Constructor of the RuleBaseT1 class. :param antecedents: list of fuzzy variables that are the antecedents of the rules. :param rules: list of rules. :param consequent: fuzzy variable that is the consequent of the rules. ONLY on regression problems. :param tnorm: t-norm used to compute the fuzzy output. ''' rules = self.delete_rule_duplicates(rules) self.rules = rules self.antecedents = antecedents self.consequent = consequent self.tnorm = tnorm if consequent is not None: self.consequent_centroids = np.zeros( (len(consequent.linguistic_variable_names()), )) for ix, vl_consequent in enumerate(consequent.linguistic_variables): consequent_domain = vl_consequent.domain domain_linspace = np.arange( consequent_domain[0], consequent_domain[1], 0.05) consequent_memberships = vl_consequent.membership( domain_linspace) self.consequent_centroids[ix] = centroid.center_of_masses( domain_linspace, consequent_memberships) self.consequent_centroids_rules = np.zeros((len(self.rules), )) for ix, rule in enumerate(self.rules): consequent_ix = rule.consequent self.consequent_centroids_rules[ix] = self.consequent_centroids[consequent_ix]
[docs] def inference(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Computes the output of the t1 inference system. Return an array in shape samples. :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the output of the inference system for each sample. ''' res = np.zeros((x.shape[0])) antecedent_memberships = self.compute_rule_antecedent_memberships(x) for sample in range(antecedent_memberships.shape[0]): res[sample] = centroid.center_of_masses( self.consequent_centroids_rules, antecedent_memberships[sample]) return res
[docs] def forward(self, x: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Same as inference() in the t1 case. Return a vector of size (samples, ) :param x: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the deffuzified output for each sample. ''' return self.inference(x)
[docs] def fuzzy_type(self) -> fs.FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the correspoing type of the RuleBase using the enum type in the fuzzy_sets module. :return: the corresponding fuzzy set type of the RuleBase. ''' return fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1
[docs] class MasterRuleBase(): ''' This Class encompasses a list of rule bases where each one corresponds to a different class. ''' def __init__(self, rule_base: list[RuleBase], consequent_names: list[str]=None, ds_mode: int = 0, allow_unknown:bool=False) -> None: ''' Constructor of the MasterRuleBase class. :param rule_base: list of rule bases. ''' if len(rule_base) == 0: raise RuleError('No rule bases given!') self.rule_bases = rule_base self.antecedents = rule_base[0].antecedents if consequent_names is None: self.consequent_names = [ix for ix in range(len(self.rule_bases))] else: self.consequent_names = consequent_names self.ds_mode = ds_mode self.allow_unknown = allow_unknown
[docs] def rename_cons(self, consequent_names: list[str]) -> None: ''' Renames the consequents of the rule base. ''' self.consequent_names = consequent_names
[docs] def add_rule(self, rule: RuleSimple, consequent: int) -> None: ''' Adds a rule to the rule base of the given consequent. :param rule: rule to add. :param consequent: index of the rule base to add the rule. ''' self.rule_bases[consequent].add_rule(rule)
[docs] def get_consequents(self) -> list[int]: ''' Returns a list with the consequents of each rule base. :return: list with the consequents of each rule base. ''' return sum([[ix]*len(x) for ix, x in enumerate(self.rule_bases)], [])
[docs] def get_consequents_names(self) -> list[str]: ''' Returns a list with the names of the consequents. :return: list with the names of the consequents. ''' return self.consequent_names
[docs] def get_rulebase_matrix(self) -> list[np.array]: ''' Returns a list with the rulebases for each antecedent in matrix format. :return: list with the rulebases for each antecedent in matrix format. ''' return [x.get_rulebase_matrix() for x in self.rule_bases]
[docs] def get_scores(self) -> np.array: ''' Returns the dominance score for each rule in all the rulebases. :return: array with the dominance score for each rule in all the rulebases. ''' res = [] for rb in self.rule_bases: res.append(rb.scores()) res = [x for x in res if len(x) > 0] return np.concatenate(res, axis=0)
[docs] def get_weights(self) -> np.array: ''' Returns the weights for each rule in all the rulebases. :return: array with the weights for each rule in all the rulebases. ''' res = [] for rb in self.rule_bases: res.append(rb.get_weights()) res = [x for x in res if len(x) > 0] return np.concatenate(res, axis=0)
[docs] def compute_firing_strenghts(self, X, precomputed_truth=None) -> np.array: ''' Computes the firing strength of each rule for each sample. :param X: array with the values of the inputs. :param precomputed_truth: if not None, the antecedent memberships are already computed. (Used for sped up in genetic algorithms) :return: array with the firing strength of each rule for each sample. ''' aux = [] for ix in range(len(self.rule_bases)): aux.append(self[ix].compute_rule_antecedent_memberships(X, antecedents_memberships=precomputed_truth)) # Firing strengths shape: samples x rules (x 2) (last is iv dimension) or (x alpha_cuts x 2) for gt2 return np.concatenate(aux, axis=1)
def _winning_rules(self, X: np.array, precomputed_truth=None, allow_unkown=True) -> np.array: association_degrees = self.compute_association_degrees(X, precomputed_truth) firing_strengths = self.compute_firing_strenghts(X, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth) winning_rules = np.argmax(association_degrees, axis=1) winning_association_degrees = np.max(firing_strengths, axis=1) if allow_unkown: # If there is no rule that fires, we set the consequent to -1 winning_rules[np.max(association_degrees, axis=1) == 0.0] = -1 return winning_rules, winning_association_degrees
[docs] def compute_association_degrees(self, X, precomputed_truth=None): ''' Returns the winning rule for each sample. Takes into account dominance scores if already computed. :param X: array with the values of the inputs. :return: array with the winning rule for each sample. ''' firing_strengths = self.compute_firing_strenghts(X, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth) if self.ds_mode == 0: rulesw = self.get_scores() if self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2 and len(rulesw.shape) == 1: rulesw = rulesw[None, :, None] association_degrees = rulesw * firing_strengths elif self.ds_mode == 1: association_degrees = firing_strengths elif self.ds_mode == 2: rulesw = self.get_weights() if self.fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2: rulesw = rulesw[None, :, None] association_degrees = rulesw * firing_strengths if (self[0].fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2) or (self[0].fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2): association_degrees = np.mean(association_degrees, axis=2) elif self[0].fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2: association_degrees = np.mean(association_degrees, axis=3) return association_degrees
[docs] def winning_rule_predict(self, X: np.array, precomputed_truth=None, out_class_names=False) -> np.array: ''' Returns the winning rule for each sample. Takes into account dominance scores if already computed. :param X: array with the values of the inputs. :param precomputed_truth: if not None, the antecedent memberships are already computed. (Used for sped up in genetic algorithms) :return: array with the winning rule for each sample. ''' # Raise an error if there no rules if len(self.get_rules()) == 0: raise RuleError('No rules to predict!') if out_class_names: consequents = sum([[self.consequent_names[ix]]*len(self[ix].rules) for ix in range(len(self.rule_bases))], []) # The sum is for flatenning the list else: consequents = sum([[ix]*len(self[ix].rules) for ix in range(len(self.rule_bases))], []) # The sum is for flatenning the list winning_rules, _winning_association_degrees = self._winning_rules(X, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth, allow_unkown=self.allow_unknown) if out_class_names: res = [] else: res = np.zeros((X.shape[0], )) for ix, winning_rule in enumerate(winning_rules): if winning_rule != -1: if out_class_names: res.append(consequents[winning_rule]) else: res[ix] = consequents[winning_rule] else: if out_class_names: res.append('Unknown') else: res[ix] = -1 return np.array(res)
[docs] def explainable_predict(self, X: np.array, out_class_names=False, precomputed_truth=None) -> np.array: ''' Returns the predicted class for each sample. :param X: array with the values of the inputs. :param out_class_names: if True, the output will be the class names instead of the class index. :return: np array samples (x 1) with the predicted class. ''' # Raise an error if there no rules if len(self.get_rules()) == 0: raise RuleError('No rules to predict!') if out_class_names: consequents = sum([[self.consequent_names[ix]]*len(self[ix].rules) for ix in range(len(self.rule_bases))], []) # The sum is for flatenning the list else: consequents = sum([[ix]*len(self[ix].rules) for ix in range(len(self.rule_bases))], []) # The sum is for flatenning the list winning_rules, winning_association_degrees = self._winning_rules(X, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth, allow_unkown=self.allow_unknown) confidence_intervals = [ rule.boot_confidence_interval for rule in self.get_rules()] winning_rule_confidence_intervals = [confidence_intervals[ix] for ix in winning_rules] if out_class_names: res = [] else: res = np.zeros((X.shape[0], )) for ix, winning_rule in enumerate(winning_rules): if winning_rule != -1: if out_class_names: res.append(consequents[winning_rule]) else: res[ix] = consequents[winning_rule] else: if out_class_names: res.append('Unknown') else: res[ix] = -1 if len(winning_association_degrees.shape) == 1: winning_association_degrees = winning_association_degrees[:, None] return np.array(res), winning_rules, winning_association_degrees, np.array(winning_rule_confidence_intervals) * winning_association_degrees
[docs] def add_rule_base(self, rule_base: RuleBase) -> None: ''' Adds a rule base to the list of rule bases. :param rule_base: rule base to add. ''' self.rule_bases.append(rule_base) if len(self.rule_bases) != len(self.consequent_names): # We did not give proper names to the consequents self.consequent_names = [ix for ix in range(len(self.rule_bases))]
[docs] def print_rules(self, return_rules=False, bootstrap_results=True) -> None: ''' Print all the rules for all the consequents. :param autoprint: if True, the rules are printed. If False, the rules are returned as a string. ''' res = '' for ix, ruleBase in enumerate(self.rule_bases): res += 'Rules for consequent: ' + str(self.consequent_names[ix]) + '\n' res += '----------------\n' res += ruleBase.print_rules(return_rules=True, bootstrap_results=bootstrap_results) + '\n' if return_rules: return res else: print(res)
[docs] def print_rule_bootstrap_results(self) -> None: ''' Prints the bootstrap results for each rule. ''' for ix, ruleBase in enumerate(self.rule_bases): print('Rules for consequent: ' + str(self.consequent_names[ix])) ruleBase.print_rule_bootstrap_results()
[docs] def get_rules(self) -> list[RuleSimple]: ''' Returns a list with all the rules. :return: list with all the rules. ''' return [rule for ruleBase in self.rule_bases for rule in ruleBase.rules]
[docs] def fuzzy_type(self) -> fs.FUZZY_SETS: ''' Returns the correspoing type of the RuleBase using the enum type in the fuzzy_sets module. :return: the corresponding fuzzy set type of the RuleBase. ''' return self.rule_bases[0].fuzzy_type()
[docs] def purge_rules(self, tolerance=0.001) -> None: ''' Delete the roles with a dominance score lower than the tolerance. :param tolerance: tolerance to delete the rules. ''' for ruleBase in self.rule_bases: ruleBase.prune_bad_rules(tolerance)
def __getitem__(self, item) -> RuleBase: ''' Returns the corresponding rulebase. :param item: index of the rulebase. :return: the corresponding rulebase. ''' return self.rule_bases[item] def __len__(self) -> int: ''' Returns the number of rule bases. ''' return len(self.rule_bases) def __str__(self) -> str: ''' Returns a string with the rules for each consequent. ''' return self.print_rules(return_rules=True, bootstrap_results=False) def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool: ''' Returns True if the two rule bases are equal. :param __value: object to compare. :return: True if the two rule bases are equal. ''' if not isinstance(__value, MasterRuleBase): return False else: return self.rule_bases == __value.rule_bases def __call__(self, X: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Gives the prediction for each sample (same as winning_rule_predict) :param X: array of dims: samples x features. :return: vector of predictions, size: samples, ''' aux = self.winning_rule_predict(X) # Convert the predictions to the names of the consequents #return np.array(self.consequent_names)[aux] return aux
[docs] def predict(self, X: np.array) -> np.array: ''' Gives the prediction for each sample (same as winning_rule_predict) :param X: array of dims: samples x features. :return: vector of predictions, size: samples, ''' return self(X)
[docs] def get_rulebases(self) -> list[RuleBase]: ''' Returns a list with all the rules. :return: list ''' return self.rule_bases
[docs] def n_linguistic_variables(self) -> list[int]: ''' Returns the number of linguistic variables in the rule base. ''' return [len(amt) for amt in self.antecedents]
[docs] def get_antecedents(self) -> list[fs.fuzzyVariable]: ''' Returns the antecedents of the rule base. ''' return self.antecedents
[docs] def construct_rule_base(rule_matrix: np.array, nclasses:int, consequents: np.array, antecedents: list[fs.fuzzyVariable], rule_weights: np.array, class_names: list=None) -> MasterRuleBase: ''' Constructs a rule base from a matrix of rules. :param rule_matrix: matrix with the rules. :param consequents: array with the consequents per rule. :param antecedents: list of fuzzy variables. :param class_names: list with the names of the classes. ''' rule_lists = {ix:[] for ix in range(nclasses)} fs_studied = antecedents[0].fuzzy_type() for ix, consequent in enumerate(consequents): if not np.equal(rule_matrix[ix], -1).all(): rule_object = RuleSimple(rule_matrix[ix]) rule_object.score = rule_weights[ix] rule_lists[consequent].append(rule_object) for ix, consequent in enumerate(np.unique(consequents)): if fs_studied == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1: rule_base = RuleBaseT1(antecedents, rule_lists[ix]) elif fs_studied == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2: rule_base = RuleBaseT2(antecedents, rule_lists[ix]) elif fs_studied == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2: rule_base = RuleBaseGT2(antecedents, rule_lists[ix]) if ix == 0: res = MasterRuleBase([rule_base], np.unique(consequents)) else: res.add_rule_base(rule_base) if class_names is not None: res.rename_cons(class_names) return res
[docs] def list_rules_to_matrix(rule_list: list[RuleSimple]) -> np.array: ''' Returns a matrix out of the rule list. :param rule_list: list of rules. :return: matrix with the antecedents of the rules. ''' assert len(rule_list) > 0, 'No rules to list!' res = np.zeros((len(rule_list), len(rule_list[0].antecedents))) for ix, rule in enumerate(rule_list): res[ix, :] = rule.antecedents return res
[docs] def generate_rule_string(rule: RuleSimple, antecedents: list, bootstrap_results: bool=True) -> str: ''' Generates a string with the rule. :param rule: rule to generate the string. :param antecedents: list of fuzzy variables. :param modifiers: array with the modifiers for the antecedents. ''' def format_p_value(p_value): if p_value < 0.001: return '***' elif p_value < 0.01: return '**' elif p_value < 0.05: return '*' else: return 'ns' initiated = False str_rule = 'IF ' for jx, antecedent in enumerate(antecedents): keys = antecedent.linguistic_variable_names() if rule[jx] != -1: if not initiated: initiated = True else: str_rule += ' AND ' str_rule += str( + ' IS ' + str(keys[rule[jx]]) try: relevant_modifier = rule.modifiers[jx] if relevant_modifier != 1: if relevant_modifier in modifiers_names.keys(): str_mod = modifiers_names[relevant_modifier] else: str_mod = str(relevant_modifier) str_rule += ' (MOD ' + str_mod + ')' except AttributeError: pass except TypeError: pass try: score = rule.score if antecedents[0].fuzzy_type() == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1 else np.mean(rule.score) str_rule += ' WITH DS ' + str(score) # If the classification scores have been computed, print them. try: str_rule += ', ACC ' + str(rule.accuracy) except AttributeError: pass # Check if they have weights try: str_rule += ', WGHT ' + str(rule.weight) except AttributeError: pass except AttributeError: try: str_rule += ' THEN consequent vl is ' + str(rule.consequent) except AttributeError: pass if bootstrap_results: try: p_value_class_structure = rule.p_value_class_structure p_value_feature_coalition = rule.p_value_feature_coalitions pvc = format_p_value(p_value_class_structure) pvf = format_p_value(p_value_feature_coalition) str_rule += ' (p-value Permutation Class Structure: ' + pvc + ', Feature Coalition: ' + pvf p_value_bootstrap = rule.boot_p_value pbs = format_p_value(p_value_bootstrap) str_rule += ' Membership Validation: ' + pbs str_rule += ')' str_rule += ' Confidence Interval: ' + str(rule.boot_confidence_interval) str_rule += ' Support Interval: ' + str(rule.boot_support_interval) except AttributeError: pass return str_rule