Functions that contain some general functions to eval already fitted fuzzy rule based models.
It can also be used to visualize rules and fuzzy partitions.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
from . import evolutionary_fit as evf
from . import vis_rules
except ImportError:
import evolutionary_fit as evf
import vis_rules
def eval_fuzzy_model(fl_classifier: evf.BaseFuzzyRulesClassifier, X_train:np.array, y_train:np.array, X_test:np.array, y_test:np.array, plot_rules=False,print_rules:bool=True, plot_partitions:bool=False, return_rules:bool=True, bootstrap_results_print:bool=True) -> str:
Take a look at the FuzzyEvaluator class for this function documentation.
fuzzy_evaluator = FuzzyEvaluator(fl_classifier)
res = fuzzy_evaluator.eval_fuzzy_model(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test,
plot_rules=plot_rules, print_rules=print_rules, plot_partitions=plot_partitions, return_rules=return_rules, bootstrap_results_print=bootstrap_results_print)
return res
class FuzzyEvaluator():
Takes a model and associated data and permits rule evaluation
def __init__(self,fl_classifier: evf.BaseFuzzyRulesClassifier):
:param fl_classifier: Fuzzy rule based model
self.fl_classifier = fl_classifier
def predict(self,X: np.array) -> np.array:
# Predict y for given X for use in metric evaluation
return self.fl_classifier.predict(X)
def get_metric(self,metric:str,X_true:np.array,y_true:np.array,**kwargs) -> float:
:param metric: named metric in string format available in sklearn library for evaluation
:param X_true: np.array of X values for prediction
:param y_true: np.array of true class outcomes for X values
:param **kwargs: additional arguments for different sklearn.metrics functions
#Get y predictions
y_pred = self.predict(X_true)
y_true = np.array(y_true)
#Convert str classes to numbers in corresponding class if necessary
unique_classes = self.fl_classifier.classes_names
if isinstance(y_true[0],str):
y_true = np.array([list[unique_classes].index(str(y)) for y in y_true])
#Find metrics requested in sklearn library, if not found
# Get the metric function dynamically from sklearn.metrics
metric_function = getattr(metrics, metric)
# Call the metric function with y_true, y_pred, and any additional keyword arguments
return metric_function(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs)
except AttributeError:
return f"Metric '{metric}' not found in sklearn.metrics."
except TypeError:
return f"Invalid arguments passed for the metric '{metric}'."
def eval_fuzzy_model(self,X_train: np.array, y_train: np.array,X_test: np.array, y_test: np.array,
plot_rules=True, print_rules=True, plot_partitions=True,
return_rules=False, print_accuracy=True, print_matthew=True, export_path:str=None, bootstrap_results_print:bool=True) -> None:
Function that evaluates a fuzzy rule based model. It also plots the rules and the fuzzy partitions.
:param X_train: Training data.
:param y_train: Training labels.
:param X_test: Test data.
:param y_test: Test labels.
:param plot_rules: If True, it plots the rules.
:param print_rules: If True, it prints the rules.
:param plot_partitions: If True, it plots the fuzzy partitions.
:return: None
# Get the unique classes from the classifier
unique_classes = self.fl_classifier.classes_names
# Convert the names from the labels to the corresponding class if necessary
if isinstance(y_train[0], str):
y_train = np.array([list(unique_classes).index(str(y)) for y in y_train])
y_test = np.array([list(unique_classes).index(str(y)) for y in y_test])
if print_accuracy:
print('Train performance: ' +
print('Test performance: ' +
if print_matthew:
print('Train performance: ' +
print('Test performance: ' +
if print_rules or return_rules:
res = self.fl_classifier.print_rules(True, bootstrap_results=bootstrap_results_print)
if print_rules:
if plot_partitions:
if plot_rules:
vis_rules.visualize_rulebase(self.fl_classifier.rule_base, export_path=export_path)
if return_rules:
return res