This is a the source file that contains the class to train/fit the rulebase using a genetic algorithm.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.metrics import matthews_corrcoef
from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin
from pymoo.algorithms.soo.nonconvex.ga import GA
from pymoo.core.problem import Problem
from pymoo.optimize import minimize
from pymoo.operators.repair.rounding import RoundingRepair
from pymoo.operators.sampling.rnd import IntegerRandomSampling
from pymoo.operators.crossover.sbx import SBX
from pymoo.operators.mutation.pm import PolynomialMutation
from pymoo.core.variable import Integer
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from pymoo.core.problem import StarmapParallelization
from . import fuzzy_sets as fs
from . import rules
from . import eval_rules as evr
from . import vis_rules
from . import maintenance as mnt
except ImportError:
import fuzzy_sets as fs
import rules
import eval_rules as evr
import vis_rules
import maintenance as mnt
class BaseFuzzyRulesClassifier(ClassifierMixin):
Class that is used as a classifier for a fuzzy rule based system. Supports precomputed and optimization of the linguistic variables.
def __init__(self, nRules: int = 30, nAnts: int = 4, fuzzy_type: fs.FUZZY_SETS = fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1, tolerance: float = 0.0, class_names: list[str] = None,
n_linguistic_variables: list[int]|int = 3, verbose=False, linguistic_variables: list[fs.fuzzyVariable] = None,
domain: list[float] = None, n_class: int=None, precomputed_rules: rules.MasterRuleBase=None, runner: int=1, ds_mode: int = 0, fuzzy_modifiers:bool=False, allow_unknown:bool=False) -> None:
Inits the optimizer with the corresponding parameters.
:param nRules: number of rules to optimize.
:param nAnts: max number of antecedents to use.
:param fuzzy type: FUZZY_SET enum type in fuzzy_sets module. The kind of fuzzy set used.
:param tolerance: tolerance for the dominance score of the rules.
:param n_linguist_variables: number of linguistic variables per antecedent.
:param verbose: if True, prints the progress of the optimization.
:param linguistic_variables: list of fuzzyVariables type. If None (default) the optimization process will init+optimize them.
:param domain: list of the limits for each variable. If None (default) the classifier will compute them empirically.
:param n_class: names of the classes in the problem. If None (default) the classifier will compute it empirically.
:param precomputed_rules: MasterRuleBase object. If not None, the classifier will use the rules in the object and ignore the conflicting parameters.
:param runner: number of threads to use. If None (default) the classifier will use 1 thread.
:param ds_mode: mode for the dominance score. 0: normal dominance score, 1: rules without weights, 2: weights optimized for each rule based on the data.
:param fuzzy_modifiers: if True, the classifier will use the modifiers in the optimization process.
:param allow_unknown: if True, the classifier will allow the unknown class in the classification process. (Which would be a -1 value)
if mnt.save_usage_flag:
mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.Funcs]['fit'] += 1
if precomputed_rules is not None:
self.nRules = len(precomputed_rules.get_rules())
self.nAnts = len(precomputed_rules.get_rules()[0].antecedents)
self.n_class = len(precomputed_rules)
self.nclasses_ = len(precomputed_rules.consequent_names)
self.classes_names = precomputed_rules.consequent_names
self.rule_base = precomputed_rules
self.nRules = nRules
self.nAnts = nAnts
self.nclasses_ = n_class
if not (class_names is None):
if isinstance(class_names, np.ndarray):
self.classes_names = list(class_names)
self.classes_names = class_names
self.classes_names = class_names
self.custom_loss = None
self.verbose = verbose
self.tolerance = tolerance
self.ds_mode = ds_mode
self.fuzzy_modifiers = fuzzy_modifiers
self.allow_unknown = allow_unknown
if runner > 1:
pool = ThreadPool(runner)
self.thread_runner = StarmapParallelization(pool.starmap)
self.thread_runner = None
if linguistic_variables is not None:
if mnt.save_usage_flag:
mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.Funcs]['precompute_labels'] += 1
# If the linguistic variables are precomputed then we act accordingly
self.lvs = linguistic_variables
self.n_linguist_variables = [len(lv.linguistic_variable_names()) for lv in self.lvs]
self.domain = None
self.fuzzy_type = self.lvs[0].fuzzy_type()
if self.nAnts > len(linguistic_variables):
self.nAnts = len(linguistic_variables)
if verbose:
print('Warning: The number of antecedents is higher than the number of variables. Setting nAnts to the number of linguistic variables. (' + str(len(linguistic_variables)) + ')')
if mnt.save_usage_flag:
mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.Funcs]['opt_labels'] += 1
# If not, then we need the parameters sumistered by the user.
self.lvs = None
self.fuzzy_type = fuzzy_type
self.n_linguist_variables = n_linguistic_variables
self.domain = domain
self.alpha_ = 0.0
self.beta_ = 0.0
def customized_loss(self, loss_function):
Function to customize the loss function used for the optimization.
:param loss_function: function that takes as input the true labels and the predicted labels and returns a float.
:return: None
self.custom_loss = loss_function
def fit(self, X: np.array, y: np.array, n_gen:int=70, pop_size:int=30,
checkpoints:int=0, candidate_rules:rules.MasterRuleBase=None, initial_rules:rules.MasterRuleBase=None, random_state:int=33,
var_prob:float=0.3, sbx_eta:float=3.0, mutation_eta=7.0, tournament_size=3, bootstrap_size=1000,
p_value_compute=False) -> None:
Fits a fuzzy rule based classifier using a genetic algorithm to the given data.
:param X: numpy array samples x features
:param y: labels. integer array samples (x 1)
:param n_gen: integer. Number of generations to run the genetic algorithm.
:param pop_size: integer. Population size for each gneration.
:param checkpoints: integer. Number of checkpoints to save the best rulebase found so far.
:param candidate_rules: if these rules exist, the optimization process will choose the best rules from this set. If None (default) the rules will be generated from scratch.
:param initial_rules: if these rules exist, the optimization process will start from this set. If None (default) the rules will be generated from scratch.
:param random_state: integer. Random seed for the optimization process.
:param var_prob: float. Probability of crossover for the genetic algorithm.
:param sbx_eta: float. Eta parameter for the SBX crossover.
:param mutation_eta: float. Eta parameter for the polynomial mutation.
:param tournament_size: integer. Size of the tournament for the genetic algorithm.
:return: None. The classifier is fitted to the data.
if mnt.save_usage_flag:
mnt.usage_data[mnt.usage_categories.Funcs]['fit'] += 1
if self.classes_names is None:
self.classes_names = [aux for aux in np.unique(y)]
if self.nclasses_ is None:
self.nclasses_ = len(self.classes_names)
if isinstance(y[0], str):
y = np.array([self.classes_names.index(str(aux)) for aux in y])
if candidate_rules is None:
if initial_rules is not None:
self.fuzzy_type = initial_rules.fuzzy_type()
self.n_linguist_variables = initial_rules.n_linguistic_variables()
self.domain = [fv.domain for fv in initial_rules[0].antecedents]
self.nRules = len(initial_rules.get_rules())
self.nAnts = len(initial_rules.get_rules()[0].antecedents)
if self.lvs is None:
# Check if self.n_linguist_variables is a list or a single value.
if isinstance(self.n_linguist_variables, int):
self.n_linguist_variables = [self.n_linguist_variables for _ in range(X.shape[1])]
if self.nAnts > X.shape[1]:
self.nAnts = X.shape[1]
if self.verbose:
print('Warning: The number of antecedents is higher than the number of variables. Setting nAnts to the number of variables. (' + str(X.shape[1]) + ')')
# If Fuzzy variables need to be optimized.
problem = FitRuleBase(X, y, nRules=self.nRules, nAnts=self.nAnts, tolerance=self.tolerance, n_classes=len(np.unique(y)),
n_linguistic_variables=self.n_linguist_variables, fuzzy_type=self.fuzzy_type, domain=self.domain, thread_runner=self.thread_runner,
alpha=self.alpha_, beta=self.beta_, ds_mode=self.ds_mode, encode_mods=self.fuzzy_modifiers,
# If Fuzzy variables are already precomputed.
problem = FitRuleBase(X, y, nRules=self.nRules, nAnts=self.nAnts, n_classes=len(np.unique(y)),
linguistic_variables=self.lvs, domain=self.domain, tolerance=self.tolerance, thread_runner=self.thread_runner,
alpha=self.alpha_, beta=self.beta_, ds_mode=self.ds_mode, encode_mods=self.fuzzy_modifiers,
self.fuzzy_type = candidate_rules.fuzzy_type()
self.n_linguist_variables = candidate_rules.n_linguistic_variables()
problem = ExploreRuleBases(X, y, n_classes=len(np.unique(y)), candidate_rules=candidate_rules, thread_runner=self.thread_runner, nRules=self.nRules)
if self.custom_loss is not None:
problem.fitness_func = self.custom_loss
if initial_rules is None:
rules_gene = IntegerRandomSampling()
rules_gene = problem.encode_rulebase(initial_rules, self.lvs is None)
rules_gene = (np.ones((pop_size, len(rules_gene))) * rules_gene).astype(int)
algorithm = GA(
crossover=SBX(prob=var_prob, eta=sbx_eta, repair=RoundingRepair()),
mutation=PolynomialMutation(eta=mutation_eta, repair=RoundingRepair()),
if checkpoints > 0:
if self.verbose:
print('n_gen | n_eval | f_avg | f_min ')
algorithm.setup(problem, seed=random_state, termination=('n_gen', n_gen))
for k in range(n_gen):
res = algorithm
if self.verbose:
print('%-6s | %-8s | %-8s | %-8s' % (res.n_gen, res.evaluator.n_eval, res.pop.get('F').mean(), res.pop.get('F').min()))
if k % checkpoints == 0:
with open("checkpoint_" + str(algorithm.n_gen), "w") as f:
pop = algorithm.pop
fitness_last_gen = pop.get('F')
best_solution_arg = np.argmin(fitness_last_gen)
best_individual = pop.get('X')[best_solution_arg, :]
rule_base = problem._construct_ruleBase(
best_individual, self.fuzzy_type)
eval_performance = evr.evalRuleBase(
rule_base, np.array(X), y)
# self.rename_fuzzy_variables() This wont work on checkpoints!
checkpoint_rules = rule_base.print_rules(True, bootstrap_results=True)
res = minimize(problem,
# termination,
("n_gen", n_gen),
pop = res.pop
fitness_last_gen = pop.get('F')
best_solution = np.argmin(fitness_last_gen)
best_individual = pop.get('X')[best_solution, :]
self.performance = 1 - fitness_last_gen[best_solution]
self.var_names = list(X.columns)
self.X = X.values
except AttributeError:
self.X = X
self.var_names = [str(ix) for ix in range(X.shape[1])]
self.rule_base = problem._construct_ruleBase(
best_individual, self.fuzzy_type)
self.eval_performance = evr.evalRuleBase(
self.rule_base, np.array(X), y)
self.eval_performance.add_full_evaluation() # After purging the bad rules we update the metrics.
if p_value_compute:
if self.lvs is None:
def print_rule_bootstrap_results(self) -> None:
Prints the bootstrap results for each rule.
def p_value_validation(self, bootstrap_size:int=100):
Computes the permutation and bootstrapping p-values for the classifier and its rules.
:param bootstrap_size: integer. Number of bootstraps samples to use.
self.p_value_class_structure, self.p_value_feature_coalitions = self.eval_performance.p_permutation_classifier_validation()
def load_master_rule_base(self, rule_base: rules.MasterRuleBase) -> None:
Loads a master rule base to be used in the prediction process.
:param rule_base: ruleBase object.
:return: None
self.rule_base = rule_base
self.nRules = len(rule_base.get_rules())
self.nAnts = len(rule_base.get_rules()[0].antecedents)
self.nclasses_ = len(rule_base)
def explainable_predict(self, X: np.array, out_class_names=False) -> np.array:
Returns the predicted class for each sample.
return self.rule_base.explainable_predict(X, out_class_names=out_class_names)
def forward(self, X: np.array, out_class_names=False) -> np.array:
Returns the predicted class for each sample.
:param X: np array samples x features.
:param out_class_names: if True, the output will be the class names instead of the class index.
:return: np array samples (x 1) with the predicted class.
X = X.values # If X was a pandas dataframe
except AttributeError:
return self.rule_base.winning_rule_predict(X, out_class_names=out_class_names)
def predict(self, X: np.array, out_class_names=False) -> np.array:
Returns the predicted class for each sample.
:param X: np array samples x features.
:param out_class_names: if True, the output will be the class names instead of the class index.
:return: np array samples (x 1) with the predicted class.
return self.forward(X, out_class_names=out_class_names)
def predict_proba(self, X: np.array) -> np.array:
Returns the predicted class probabilities for each sample.
:param X: np array samples x features.
:return: np array samples x classes with the predicted class probabilities.
X = X.values # If X was a pandas dataframe
except AttributeError:
return self.rule_base.compute_association_degrees(X)
def print_rules(self, return_rules:bool=False, bootstrap_results:bool=False) -> None:
Print the rules contained in the fitted rulebase.
return self.rule_base.print_rules(return_rules, bootstrap_results)
def plot_fuzzy_variables(self) -> None:
Plot the fuzzy partitions in each fuzzy variable.
fuzzy_variables = self.rule_base.rule_bases[0].antecedents
for ix, fv in enumerate(fuzzy_variables):
def rename_fuzzy_variables(self) -> None:
Renames the linguist labels so that high, low and so on are consistent. It does so usually after an optimization process.
:return: None. Names are sorted accorded to the central point of the fuzzy memberships.
for ix in range(len(self.rule_base)):
fuzzy_variables = self.rule_base.rule_bases[ix].antecedents
for jx, fv in enumerate(fuzzy_variables):
new_order_values = []
possible_names = FitRuleBase.vl_names[self.n_linguist_variables[jx]]
for zx, fuzzy_set in enumerate(fv.linguistic_variables):
studied_fz = fuzzy_set.type()
if studied_fz == fs.FUZZY_SETS.temporal:
studied_fz = fuzzy_set.inside_type()
if studied_fz == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
f1 = np.mean(
fuzzy_set.membership_parameters[0] + fuzzy_set.membership_parameters[1])
elif (studied_fz == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2):
f1 = np.mean(
fuzzy_set.secondMF_upper[0] + fuzzy_set.secondMF_upper[1])
elif studied_fz == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
sec_memberships = fuzzy_set.secondary_memberships.values()
f1 = float(list(fuzzy_set.secondary_memberships.keys())[np.argmax(
[fzm.membership_parameters[2] for ix, fzm in enumerate(sec_memberships)])])
new_order = np.argsort(np.array(new_order_values))
fuzzy_sets_vl = fv.linguistic_variables
for jx, x in enumerate(new_order):
fuzzy_sets_vl[x].name = possible_names[jx]
def get_rulebase(self) -> list[np.array]:
Get the rulebase obtained after fitting the classifier to the data.
:return: a matrix format for the rulebase.
return self.rule_base.get_rulebase_matrix()
def reparametrice_loss(self, alpha:float, beta:float) -> None:
Changes the parameters in the loss function.
:note: Does not check for convexity preservation. The user can play with these parameters as it wills.
:param alpha: controls the MCC term.
:param beta: controls the average rule size loss.
self.alpha_ = alpha
self.beta_ = beta
def __call__(self, X:np.array) -> np.array:
Returns the predicted class for each sample.
:param X: np array samples x features.
:return: np array samples (x 1) with the predicted class.
return self.predict(X)
class ExploreRuleBases(Problem):
Class to model as pymoo problem the fitting of a rulebase to a set of data given a series of candidate rules for a classification problem using Evolutionary strategies
Supports type 1 and t2.
def __init__(self, X: np.array, y: np.array, nRules: int, n_classes: int, candidate_rules: rules.MasterRuleBase, thread_runner: StarmapParallelization=None, tolerance:float = 0.01) -> None:
Cosntructor method. Initializes the classifier with the number of antecedents, linguist variables and the kind of fuzzy set desired.
:param X: np array or pandas dataframe samples x features.
:param y: np vector containing the target classes. vector sample
:param n_class: number of classes in the problem. If None (as default) it will be computed from the data.
:param cancidate_rules: MasterRuleBase object. If not None, the classifier will use the rules in the object and ignore the conflicting parameters.
self.var_names = list(X.columns)
self.X = X.values
except AttributeError:
self.X = X
self.var_names = [str(ix) for ix in range(X.shape[1])]
self.tolerance = tolerance
self.fuzzy_type = candidate_rules.fuzzy_type()
self.y = y
self.nCons = 1 # This is fixed to MISO rules.
self.n_classes = n_classes
self.candidate_rules = candidate_rules
self.nRules = nRules
self._precomputed_truth = rules.compute_antecedents_memberships(candidate_rules.get_antecedents(), X)
self.fuzzy_type = self.candidate_rules[0].antecedents[0].fuzzy_type()
self.min_bounds = np.min(self.X, axis=0)
self.max_bounds = np.max(self.X, axis=0)
nTotalRules = len(self.candidate_rules.get_rules())
# Each var is using or not a rule.
vars = {ix: Integer(bounds=[0, nTotalRules - 1]) for ix in range(self.nRules)}
varbound = np.array([[0, nTotalRules- 1]] * self.nRules)
nVar = len(vars.keys())
if thread_runner is not None:
xl=varbound[:, 0],
xu=varbound[:, 1],
xl=varbound[:, 0],
xu=varbound[:, 1])
def _construct_ruleBase(self, x: np.array, fuzzy_type: fs.FUZZY_SETS, ds_mode:int=0, allow_unknown:bool=False) -> rules.MasterRuleBase:
Creates a valid rulebase from the given subject and the candidate rules.
:param x: gen of a rulebase. type: dict.
:param fuzzy_type: FUZZY_SET enum type in fuzzy_sets module. The kind of fuzzy set used.
:param ds_mode: int. Mode for the dominance score. 0: normal dominance score, 1: rules without weights, 2: weights optimized for each rule based on the data.
:param allow_unknown: if True, the classifier will allow the unknown class in the classification process. (Which would be a -1 value)
:return: a Master rulebase object.
x = x.astype(int)
# Get all rules and their consequents
diff_consequents = np.arange(len(self.candidate_rules))
# Choose the selected ones in the gen
total_rules = self.candidate_rules.get_rules()
chosen_rules = [total_rules[ix] for ix, val in enumerate(x)]
rule_consequents = sum([[ix] * len(rule) for ix, rule in enumerate(self.candidate_rules)], [])
chosen_rules_consequents = [rule_consequents[val] for ix, val in enumerate(x)]
# Create a rule base for each consequent with the selected rules
rule_list = [[] for _ in range(self.n_classes)]
rule_bases = []
for ix, consequent in enumerate(diff_consequents):
for rx, rule in enumerate(chosen_rules):
if chosen_rules_consequents[rx] == consequent:
if len(rule_list[ix]) > 0:
if fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
rule_base_cons = rules.RuleBaseT1(
self.candidate_rules[0].antecedents, rule_list[ix])
elif fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
rule_base_cons = rules.RuleBaseT2(
self.candidate_rules[0].antecedents, rule_list[ix])
elif fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
rule_base_cons = rules.RuleBaseGT2(
self.candidate_rules[0].antecedents, rule_list[ix])
# Create the Master Rule Base object with the individual rule bases
newMasterRuleBase = rules.MasterRuleBase(rule_bases, diff_consequents, ds_mode=ds_mode, allow_unknown=allow_unknown)
return newMasterRuleBase
def _evaluate(self, x: np.array, out: dict, *args, **kwargs):
:param x: array of train samples. x shape = features
those features are the parameters to optimize.
:param out: dict where the F field is the fitness. It is used from the outside.
ruleBase = self._construct_ruleBase(x, self.fuzzy_type)
score = self.fitness_func(ruleBase, self.X, self.y, self.tolerance, precomputed_truth=self._precomputed_truth)
out["F"] = 1 - score
except rules.RuleError:
out["F"] = 1
def fitness_func(self, ruleBase: rules.RuleBase, X:np.array, y:np.array, tolerance:float, alpha:float=0.0, beta:float=0.0, precomputed_truth=None) -> float:
Fitness function for the optimization problem.
:param ruleBase: RuleBase object
:param X: array of train samples. X shape = (n_samples, n_features)
:param y: array of train labels. y shape = (n_samples,)
:param tolerance: float. Tolerance for the size evaluation.
:return: float. Fitness value.
ev_object = evr.evalRuleBase(ruleBase, X, y, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth)
score_acc = ev_object.classification_eval()
score_rules_size = ev_object.size_antecedents_eval(tolerance)
score_nrules = ev_object.effective_rulesize_eval(tolerance)
score = score_acc + score_rules_size * alpha + score_nrules * beta
return score
class FitRuleBase(Problem):
Class to model as pymoo problem the fitting of a rulebase for a classification problem using Evolutionary strategies.
Supports type 1 and iv fs (iv-type 2)
def _init_optimize_vl(self, fuzzy_type: fs.FUZZY_SETS, n_linguist_variables: int, domain: list[(float, float)] = None):
Inits the corresponding fields if no linguistic partitions were given.
:param fuzzy type: FUZZY_SET enum type in fuzzy_sets module. The kind of fuzzy set used.
:param n_linguistic_variables: number of linguistic variables per antecedent.
:param domain: list of the limits for each variable. If None (default) the classifier will compute them empirically.
self.lvs = None
self.vl_names = [FitRuleBase.vl_names[n_linguist_variables[nn]] if n_linguist_variables[nn] < 6 else list(map(str, np.arange(nn))) for nn in range(len(n_linguist_variables))]
self.fuzzy_type = fuzzy_type
self.n_lv_possible = n_linguist_variables
self.domain = domain
self._precomputed_truth = None
def _init_precomputed_vl(self, linguist_variables: list[fs.fuzzyVariable], X: np.array):
Inits the corresponding fields if linguistic partitions for each variable are given.
:param linguistic_variables: list of fuzzyVariables type.
:param X: np array samples x features.
self.lvs = linguist_variables
self.vl_names = [lv.linguistic_variable_names() for lv in self.lvs]
self.n_lv_possible = [len(lv.linguistic_variable_names()) for lv in self.lvs]
self.fuzzy_type = self.lvs[0].fs_type
self.domain = None
self._precomputed_truth = rules.compute_antecedents_memberships(linguist_variables, X)
vl_names = [ # Linguistic variable names prenamed for some specific cases.
['Low', 'High'],
['Low', 'Medium', 'High'],
['Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Very High'],
['Very Low', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Very High']
def __init__(self, X: np.array, y: np.array, nRules: int, nAnts: int, n_classes: int, thread_runner: StarmapParallelization=None,
linguistic_variables:list[fs.fuzzyVariable]=None, n_linguistic_variables:int=3, fuzzy_type=fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1, domain:list=None,
tolerance:float=0.01, alpha:float=0.0, beta:float=0.0, ds_mode: int =0, encode_mods: bool=False, allow_unknown:bool=False) -> None:
Cosntructor method. Initializes the classifier with the number of antecedents, linguist variables and the kind of fuzzy set desired.
:param X: np array or pandas dataframe samples x features.
:param y: np vector containing the target classes. vector sample
:param nRules: number of rules to optimize.
:param nAnts: max number of antecedents to use.
:param n_class: number of classes in the problem. If None (as default) it will be computed from the data.
:param linguistic_variables: list of linguistic variables precomputed. If given, the rest of conflicting arguments are ignored.
:param n_linguistic_variables: number of linguistic variables per antecedent.
:param fuzzy_type: Define the fuzzy set or fuzzy set extension used as linguistic variable.
:param domain: list with the upper and lower domains of each input variable. If None (as default) it will stablish the empirical min/max as the limits.
:param tolerance: float. Tolerance for the size evaluation.
:param alpha: float. Weight for the rulebase size term in the fitness function. (Penalizes number of rules)
:param beta: float. Weight for the average rule size term in the fitness function.
:param ds_mode: int. Mode for the dominance score. 0: normal dominance score, 1: rules without weights, 2: weights optimized for each rule based on the data.
:param encode_mods: bool. If True, the optimization process will include the modifiers for the membership functions.
:param allow_unknown: if True, the classifier will allow the unknown class in the classification process. (Which would be a -1 value)
self.var_names = list(X.columns)
self.X = X.values
except AttributeError:
self.X = X
self.var_names = [str(ix) for ix in range(X.shape[1])]
self.tolerance = tolerance
except KeyError:
self.tolerance = 0.001
self.y = y
self.classes_names = np.unique(y)
self.nRules = nRules
self.nAnts = nAnts
self.nCons = 1 # This is fixed to MISO rules.
self.ds_mode = ds_mode
self.encode_mods = encode_mods
self.allow_unknown = allow_unknown
if n_classes is not None:
self.n_classes = n_classes
self.n_classes = len(np.unique(y))
if linguistic_variables is not None:
self._init_precomputed_vl(linguistic_variables, X)
if isinstance(n_linguistic_variables, int):
n_linguistic_variables = [n_linguistic_variables] * self.X.shape[1]
fuzzy_type, n_linguistic_variables)
if self.domain is None:
# If all the variables are numerical, then we can compute the min/max of the domain.
if np.all([np.issubdtype(self.X[:, ix].dtype, np.number) for ix in range(self.X.shape[1])]):
self.min_bounds = np.min(self.X, axis=0)
self.max_bounds = np.max(self.X, axis=0)
self.min_bounds = np.zeros(self.X.shape[1])
self.max_bounds = np.zeros(self.X.shape[1])
for ix in range(self.X.shape[1]):
if np.issubdtype(self.X[:, ix].dtype, np.number):
self.min_bounds[ix] = np.min(self.X[:, ix])
self.max_bounds[ix] = np.max(self.X[:, ix])
self.min_bounds[ix] = 0
self.max_bounds[ix] = len(np.unique(self.X[:, ix]))
self.min_bounds, self.max_bounds = self.domain
self.antecedents_referencial = [np.linspace(
self.min_bounds[ix], self.max_bounds[ix], 100) for ix in range(self.X.shape[1])]
possible_antecedent_bounds = np.array(
[[0, self.X.shape[1] - 1]] * self.nAnts * self.nRules)
vl_antecedent_bounds = np.array(
[[-1, self.n_lv_possible[ax] - 1] for ax in range(self.nAnts)] * self.nRules) # -1 means not caring
antecedent_bounds = np.concatenate(
(possible_antecedent_bounds, vl_antecedent_bounds))
vars_antecedent = {ix: Integer(
bounds=antecedent_bounds[ix]) for ix in range(len(antecedent_bounds))}
aux_counter = len(vars_antecedent)
if self.lvs is None:
self.feature_domain_bounds = np.array(
[[0, 99] for ix in range(self.X.shape[1])])
if self.fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
correct_size = [(self.n_lv_possible[ixx]-1) * 4 + 3 for ixx in range(len(self.n_lv_possible))]
elif self.fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
correct_size = [(self.n_lv_possible[ixx]-1) * 6 + 2 for ixx in range(len(self.n_lv_possible))]
membership_bounds = np.concatenate(
[[self.feature_domain_bounds[ixx]] * correct_size[ixx] for ixx in range(len(self.n_lv_possible))])
vars_memberships = {
aux_counter + ix: Integer(bounds=membership_bounds[ix]) for ix in range(len(membership_bounds))}
aux_counter += len(vars_memberships)
final_consequent_bounds = np.array(
[[-1, self.n_classes - 1]] * self.nRules)
vars_consequent = {aux_counter + ix: Integer(
bounds=final_consequent_bounds[ix]) for ix in range(len(final_consequent_bounds))}
if self.lvs is None:
vars = {key: val for d in [
vars_antecedent, vars_memberships, vars_consequent] for key, val in d.items()}
varbound = np.concatenate(
(antecedent_bounds, membership_bounds, final_consequent_bounds), axis=0)
vars = {key: val for d in [vars_antecedent,
vars_consequent] for key, val in d.items()}
varbound = np.concatenate(
(antecedent_bounds, final_consequent_bounds), axis=0)
if self.ds_mode == 2:
weights_bounds = np.array([[0, 99] for ix in range(self.nRules)])
vars_weights = {max(vars.keys()) + 1 + ix: Integer(
bounds=weights_bounds[ix]) for ix in range(len(weights_bounds))}
vars = {key: val for d in [vars, vars_weights] for key, val in d.items()}
varbound = np.concatenate((varbound, weights_bounds), axis=0)
if encode_mods:
# Now we add modifiers exponents for the membership functions.
rule_mods = np.array([[0, len(rules.modifiers_names.keys()) - 1]] * self.nAnts * self.nRules)
vars_modifiers = {max(vars.keys()) + 1 + ix: Integer(
bounds=rule_mods[ix]) for ix in range(len(rule_mods))}
vars = {key: val for d in [vars, vars_modifiers] for key, val in d.items()}
varbound = np.concatenate((varbound, rule_mods), axis=0)
nVar = len(varbound)
self.single_gen_size = nVar
self.alpha_ = alpha
self.beta_ = beta
if thread_runner is not None:
xl=varbound[:, 0],
xu=varbound[:, 1],
xl=varbound[:, 0],
xu=varbound[:, 1])
def encode_rulebase(self, rule_base: rules.MasterRuleBase, optimize_lv: bool, encode_mods:bool=False) -> np.array:
Given a rule base, constructs the corresponding gene associated with that rule base.
First: antecedents chosen by each rule. Size: nAnts * nRules (index of the antecedent)
Second: Variable linguistics used. Size: nAnts * nRules
Third: Parameters for the fuzzy partitions of the chosen variables. Size: nAnts * self.n_linguistic_variables * 8|4 (2 trapezoidal memberships if t2)
Four: Consequent classes. Size: nRules
:param rule_base: rule base object.
:param optimize_lv: if True, the gene is prepared to optimize the membership functions.
:param encode_mods: if True, the gene is prepared to encode the modifiers for the membership functions.
:return: np array of size self.single_gen_size.
gene = np.zeros((self.single_gen_size,))
n_lv_possible = len(rule_base.rule_bases[0].antecedents[0].linguistic_variables)
fuzzy_type = rule_base.fuzzy_type()
rule_consequents = rule_base.get_consequents()
nreal_rules = len(rule_consequents)
mf_size = 4 if fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1 else 8
# Pointer to the fourth section of the gene: consequents
if optimize_lv:
# If lv memberships are optimized.
fourth_pointer = 2 * self.nAnts * self.nRules + \
len(self.n_lv_possible) * 3 + len(self.n_lv_possible) * 2 + sum(np.array(self.n_lv_possible)-2) * mf_size
# If no memberships are optimized.
fourth_pointer = 2 * self.nAnts * self.nRules
# Pointer to the fifth section of the gene: weights (if they exist)
fifth_pointer = fourth_pointer + self.nRules
if rule_base.ds_mode == 2:
for ix, rule in enumerate(rule_base.get_rules()):
gene[fifth_pointer + ix] = rule.weight
# Last pointer to the gene: modifiers for the membership functions
if encode_mods:
if rule_base.ds_mode == 2:
sixth_pointer = fifth_pointer + rule_base.get_rules()
sixth_pointer = fifth_pointer
for ix, rule in enumerate(rule_base.get_rules()):
for jx, modifier in enumerate(rule.modifiers):
mod_idx = list(rules.modifiers_names.keys()).index(modifier)
gene[sixth_pointer + ix * self.nAnts + jx] = mod_idx
# First and second sections of the gene: antecedents and linguistic variables
for i0, rule in enumerate(rule_base.get_rules()): # Reconstruct the rules
first_pointer = i0 * self.nAnts
second_pointer = (self.nRules * self.nAnts) + i0 * self.nAnts
for ax, linguistic_variable in enumerate(rule.antecedents):
gene[first_pointer + ax] = ax
gene[second_pointer + ax] = linguistic_variable
# Update the fourth section of the gene: consequents using the fourth pointer
gene[fourth_pointer + i0] = rule_consequents[i0]
# Fill the rest of the rules with don't care values
nvoid_rules = self.nRules - nreal_rules
for vx in range(nvoid_rules):
first_pointer = nreal_rules * self.nAnts + vx * self.nAnts
second_pointer = (self.nRules * self.nAnts) + nreal_rules * self.nAnts + vx * self.nAnts
for ax, linguistic_variable in enumerate(rule.antecedents):
gene[first_pointer + ax] = ax
gene[second_pointer + ax] = -1
# Update the fourth section of the gene: consequents using the fourth pointer
gene[fourth_pointer + nreal_rules + vx] = -1
if optimize_lv:
# If lv memberships are optimized.
third_pointer = 2 * self.nAnts * self.nRules
aux_pointer = 0
for ix, fuzzy_variable in enumerate(rule_base.get_antecedents()):
for linguistic_variable in range(n_lv_possible):
fz_parameters = fuzzy_variable[linguistic_variable].membership_parameters
for jx, fz_parameter in enumerate(fz_parameters):
closest_idx = (np.abs(np.asarray(self.antecedents_referencial[ix]) - fz_parameter)).argmin()
gene[third_pointer + aux_pointer] = closest_idx
aux_pointer += 1
return np.array(list(map(int, gene)))
def _construct_ruleBase(self, x: np.array, fuzzy_type: fs.FUZZY_SETS, **kwargs) -> rules.MasterRuleBase:
Given a subject, it creates a rulebase according to its specification.
:param x: gen of a rulebase. type: dict.
:param fuzzy_type: a enum type. Check fuzzy_sets for complete specification (two fields, t1 and t2, to mark which fs you want to use)
:param kwargs: additional parameters to pass to the rule
:return: a rulebase object.
- time_moment: if temporal fuzzy sets are used with different partitions for each time interval,
then this parameter is used to specify which time moment is being used.
rule_list = [[] for _ in range(self.n_classes)]
mf_size = 4 if fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1 else 6
First: antecedents chosen by each rule. Size: nAnts * nRules
Second: Variable linguistics used. Size: nAnts * nRules
Third: Parameters for the fuzzy partitions of the chosen variables. Size: X.shape[1] * ((self.n_linguistic_variables-1) * mf_size + 2)
Four: Consequent classes. Size: nRules
Five: Weights for each rule. Size: nRules (only if ds_mode == 2)
Sixth: Modifiers for the membership functions. Size: len(self.lvs) * nAnts * nRules
if self.lvs is None:
# If memberships are optimized.
if fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
fourth_pointer = 2 * self.nAnts * self.nRules + \
len(self.n_lv_possible) * 3 + sum(np.array(self.n_lv_possible)-1) * 4
elif fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
fourth_pointer = 2 * self.nAnts * self.nRules + \
len(self.n_lv_possible) * 2 + sum(np.array(self.n_lv_possible)-1) * mf_size
# If no memberships are optimized.
fourth_pointer = 2 * self.nAnts * self.nRules
if self.ds_mode == 2:
fifth_pointer = fourth_pointer + self.nRules
fifth_pointer = fourth_pointer
if self.ds_mode == 2:
sixth_pointer = fifth_pointer + self.nRules
sixth_pointer = fifth_pointer
aux_pointer = 0
min_domain = np.min(self.X, axis=0)
max_domain = np.max(self.X, axis=0)
# Integer sampling doesnt work fine in pymoo, so we do this (which is btw what pymoo is really doing if you just set integer optimization)
# subject might come as a dict.
x = np.array(list(x.values())).astype(int)
except AttributeError:
x = x.astype(int)
for i0 in range(self.nRules): # Reconstruct the rules
first_pointer = i0 * self.nAnts
chosen_ants = x[first_pointer:first_pointer + self.nAnts]
second_pointer = (i0 * self.nAnts) + (self.nAnts * self.nRules)
# Shape: self.nAnts + self.n_lv_possible + 1
antecedent_parameters = x[second_pointer:second_pointer+self.nAnts]
init_rule_antecedents = np.zeros(
(self.X.shape[1],)) - 1 # -1 is dont care
for jx, ant in enumerate(chosen_ants):
if self.lvs is not None:
antecedent_parameters[jx] = min(antecedent_parameters[jx], len(self.lvs[ant]) - 1)
antecedent_parameters[jx] = min(antecedent_parameters[jx], self.n_lv_possible[ant] - 1)
init_rule_antecedents[ant] = antecedent_parameters[jx]
consequent_idx = x[fourth_pointer + aux_pointer]
assert consequent_idx < self.n_classes, "Consequent class is not valid. Something in the gene is wrong."
aux_pointer += 1
if self.ds_mode == 2:
rule_weight = x[fifth_pointer + i0] / 100
rule_weight = 1.0
# Last pointer to the gene: modifiers for the membership functions
if self.encode_mods:
#for jx, modifier in enumerate(rule.modifiers):
rule_modifiers = np.ones((len(self.lvs),)) * -1
idx_mods = x[sixth_pointer + i0 * self.nAnts: sixth_pointer + (i0+1)*self.nAnts]
for jx, ant in enumerate(chosen_ants):
rule_modifiers[ant] = list(rules.modifiers_names.keys())[idx_mods[jx]]
rule_modifiers = None
if consequent_idx != -1 and np.any(init_rule_antecedents != -1):
rs_instance = rules.RuleSimple(init_rule_antecedents, 0, rule_modifiers)
if self.ds_mode == 1 or self.ds_mode == 2:
rs_instance.weight = rule_weight
# If we optimize the membership functions - change to delta system
if self.lvs is None:
third_pointer = 2 * self.nAnts * self.nRules
aux_pointer = 0
antecedents = []
for fuzzy_variable in range(self.X.shape[1]):
linguistic_variables = []
lv_FS = []
for lx in range(self.n_lv_possible[fuzzy_variable]):
parameter_pointer = third_pointer + aux_pointer
if fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
if lx == 0:
fz_parameters_idx0 = x[parameter_pointer]
fz_parameters_idx1 = x[parameter_pointer + 1]
fz_parameters_idx2 = x[parameter_pointer + 2]
fz_parameters_idx3 = x[parameter_pointer + 3]
fz0 = fz_parameters_idx0
fz1 = fz_parameters_idx0
fz2 = fz1 + fz_parameters_idx1
next_fz0 = fz2 + fz_parameters_idx2
fz3 = next_fz0 + fz_parameters_idx3
fz_parameters = np.array([fz0, fz1, fz2, fz3])
aux_pointer += 4
elif lx == self.n_lv_possible[fuzzy_variable] - 1:
fz_parameters_idx1 = x[parameter_pointer]
fz_parameters_idx2 = x[parameter_pointer + 1]
fz0 = next_fz0
fz1 = fz3 + fz_parameters_idx1
fz2 = fz1 + fz_parameters_idx2
fz3 = fz2
fz_parameters = np.array([fz0, fz1, fz2, fz3])
aux_pointer += 3
fz_parameters_idx1 = x[parameter_pointer]
fz_parameters_idx2 = x[parameter_pointer + 1]
fz_parameters_idx3 = x[parameter_pointer + 2]
fz_parameters_idx4 = x[parameter_pointer + 3]
fz0 = next_fz0
fz1 = fz3 + fz_parameters_idx1
fz2 = fz1 + fz_parameters_idx2
next_fz0 = fz2 + fz_parameters_idx3
fz3 = next_fz0 + fz_parameters_idx4
aux_pointer += 4
fz_parameters = np.array([fz0, fz1, fz2, fz3])
elif fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
if lx == 0:
fz_parameters_idx0 = x[parameter_pointer]
fz_parameters_idx1 = x[parameter_pointer + 1]
fz_parameters_idx2 = x[parameter_pointer + 2]
fz_parameters_idx3 = x[parameter_pointer + 3]
fz_parameters_idx4 = x[parameter_pointer + 4]
fz_parameters_idx5 = x[parameter_pointer + 5]
l_fz0 = fz_parameters_idx0
l_fz1 = l_fz0
l_fz2 = l_fz1 + fz_parameters_idx1
next_ufz0 = l_fz2 + fz_parameters_idx2
next_lfz0 = next_ufz0 + fz_parameters_idx3
l_fz3 = next_lfz0 + fz_parameters_idx4
u_fz0 = l_fz0
u_fz1 = u_fz0
u_fz2 = l_fz2
u_fz3 = l_fz3 + fz_parameters_idx5
l_fz_parameters = np.array([l_fz0, l_fz1, l_fz2, l_fz3])
u_fz_parameters = np.array([u_fz0, u_fz1, u_fz2, u_fz3])
next_init = l_fz2 + fz_parameters_idx4
aux_pointer += 6
elif lx == self.n_lv_possible[fuzzy_variable] - 1:
fz_parameters_idx0 = x[parameter_pointer]
fz_parameters_idx1 = x[parameter_pointer + 1]
u_fz0 = next_ufz0
l_fz0 = next_lfz0
u_fz1 = u_fz3 + fz_parameters_idx0
l_fz1 = u_fz1
u_fz2 = l_fz1 + fz_parameters_idx1
l_fz2 = u_fz2
l_fz3 = l_fz2
u_fz3 = l_fz3
l_fz_parameters = np.array([l_fz0, l_fz1, l_fz2, l_fz3])
u_fz_parameters = np.array([u_fz0, u_fz1, u_fz2, u_fz3])
aux_pointer += 2
fz_parameters_idx0 = x[parameter_pointer]
fz_parameters_idx1 = x[parameter_pointer + 1]
fz_parameters_idx2 = x[parameter_pointer + 2]
fz_parameters_idx3 = x[parameter_pointer + 3]
fz_parameters_idx4 = x[parameter_pointer + 4]
fz_parameters_idx5 = x[parameter_pointer + 5]
u_fz0 = next_ufz0
l_fz0 = next_lfz0
l_fz1 = u_fz3 + fz_parameters_idx0
u_fz1 = l_fz1
l_fz2 = l_fz1 + fz_parameters_idx1
u_fz2 = l_fz2
next_ufz0 = l_fz2 + fz_parameters_idx2
next_lfz0 = next_ufz0 + fz_parameters_idx3
l_fz3 = next_lfz0 + fz_parameters_idx4
u_fz3 = l_fz3 + fz_parameters_idx5
l_fz_parameters = np.array([l_fz0, l_fz1, l_fz2, l_fz3])
u_fz_parameters = np.array([u_fz0, u_fz1, u_fz2, u_fz3])
aux_pointer += 6
lv_FS.append((l_fz_parameters, u_fz_parameters))
min_lv = np.min(np.array(lv_FS))
max_lv = np.max(np.array(lv_FS))
for lx, relevant_lv in enumerate(lv_FS):
relevant_lv = (relevant_lv - min_lv) / (max_lv - min_lv) * max_domain[fuzzy_variable]
if fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
proper_FS = fs.FS(self.vl_names[fuzzy_variable][lx], relevant_lv, (min_domain[fuzzy_variable], max_domain[fuzzy_variable]))
elif fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
proper_FS = fs.IVFS(self.vl_names[fuzzy_variable][lx], relevant_lv[0], relevant_lv[1], (min_domain[fuzzy_variable], max_domain[fuzzy_variable]))
self.var_names[fuzzy_variable], linguistic_variables))
antecedents = self.lvs[kwargs['time_moment']]
antecedents = self.lvs
for i in range(self.n_classes):
if fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.temporal:
fuzzy_type = self.lvs[0][0].inside_type()
if fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t1:
rule_base = rules.RuleBaseT1(antecedents, rule_list[i])
elif fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.t2:
rule_base = rules.RuleBaseT2(antecedents, rule_list[i])
elif fuzzy_type == fs.FUZZY_SETS.gt2:
rule_base = rules.RuleBaseGT2(antecedents, rule_list[i])
if i == 0:
res = rules.MasterRuleBase([rule_base], self.classes_names, ds_mode=self.ds_mode, allow_unknown=self.allow_unknown)
return res
def _evaluate(self, x: np.array, out: dict, *args, **kwargs):
:param x: array of train samples. x shape = features
those features are the parameters to optimize.
:param out: dict where the F field is the fitness. It is used from the outside.
ruleBase = self._construct_ruleBase(x, self.fuzzy_type)
if len(ruleBase.get_rules()) > 0:
score = self.fitness_func(ruleBase, self.X, self.y, self.tolerance, self.alpha_, self.beta_, self._precomputed_truth)
score = 0.0
out["F"] = 1 - score
def fitness_func(self, ruleBase: rules.RuleBase, X:np.array, y:np.array, tolerance:float, alpha:float=0.0, beta:float=0.0, precomputed_truth:np.array=None) -> float:
Fitness function for the optimization problem.
:param ruleBase: RuleBase object
:param X: array of train samples. X shape = (n_samples, n_features)
:param y: array of train labels. y shape = (n_samples,)
:param tolerance: float. Tolerance for the size evaluation.
:param alpha: float. Weight for the accuracy term.
:param beta: float. Weight for the average rule size term.
:param precomputed_truth: np array. If given, it will be used as the truth values for the evaluation.
:return: float. Fitness value.
if precomputed_truth is None:
precomputed_truth = rules.compute_antecedents_memberships(ruleBase.antecedents, X)
ev_object = evr.evalRuleBase(ruleBase, X, y, precomputed_truth=precomputed_truth)
if len(ruleBase.get_rules()) > 0:
score_acc = ev_object.classification_eval()
score_rules_size = ev_object.size_antecedents_eval(tolerance)
score_nrules = ev_object.effective_rulesize_eval(tolerance)
score = score_acc + score_rules_size * alpha + score_nrules * beta
score = 0.0
return score