Evolutionary Algorithms to Fit the rules

This is a the source file that contains the class to train/fit the rulebase using a genetic algorithm.

class ex_fuzzy.evolutionary_fit.BaseFuzzyRulesClassifier(nRules: int = 30, nAnts: int = 4, fuzzy_type: FUZZY_SETS = FUZZY_SETS.t1, tolerance: float = 0.0, class_names: list[str] = None, n_linguistic_variables: list[int] | int = 3, verbose=False, linguistic_variables: list[fuzzyVariable] = None, domain: list[float] = None, n_class: int = None, precomputed_rules: MasterRuleBase = None, runner: int = 1, ds_mode: int = 0, fuzzy_modifiers: bool = False, allow_unknown: bool = False)[source]

Bases: ClassifierMixin

Class that is used as a classifier for a fuzzy rule based system. Supports precomputed and optimization of the linguistic variables.


Function to customize the loss function used for the optimization.


loss_function – function that takes as input the true labels and the predicted labels and returns a float.



fit(X: array, y: array, n_gen: int = 70, pop_size: int = 30, checkpoints: int = 0, candidate_rules: MasterRuleBase = None, initial_rules: MasterRuleBase = None, random_state: int = 33, var_prob: float = 0.3, sbx_eta: float = 3.0, mutation_eta=7.0, tournament_size=3, bootstrap_size=1000, p_value_compute=False) None[source]

Fits a fuzzy rule based classifier using a genetic algorithm to the given data.

  • X – numpy array samples x features

  • y – labels. integer array samples (x 1)

  • n_gen – integer. Number of generations to run the genetic algorithm.

  • pop_size – integer. Population size for each gneration.

  • checkpoints – integer. Number of checkpoints to save the best rulebase found so far.

  • candidate_rules – if these rules exist, the optimization process will choose the best rules from this set. If None (default) the rules will be generated from scratch.

  • initial_rules – if these rules exist, the optimization process will start from this set. If None (default) the rules will be generated from scratch.

  • random_state – integer. Random seed for the optimization process.

  • var_prob – float. Probability of crossover for the genetic algorithm.

  • sbx_eta – float. Eta parameter for the SBX crossover.

  • mutation_eta – float. Eta parameter for the polynomial mutation.

  • tournament_size – integer. Size of the tournament for the genetic algorithm.


None. The classifier is fitted to the data.

forward(X: array, out_class_names=False) array[source]

Returns the predicted class for each sample.

  • X – np array samples x features.

  • out_class_names – if True, the output will be the class names instead of the class index.


np array samples (x 1) with the predicted class.

get_rulebase() list[array][source]

Get the rulebase obtained after fitting the classifier to the data.


a matrix format for the rulebase.

load_master_rule_base(rule_base: MasterRuleBase) None[source]

Loads a master rule base to be used in the prediction process.


rule_base – ruleBase object.



p_value_validation(bootstrap_size: int = 100)[source]

Computes the permutation and bootstrapping p-values for the classifier and its rules.


bootstrap_size – integer. Number of bootstraps samples to use.

plot_fuzzy_variables() None[source]

Plot the fuzzy partitions in each fuzzy variable.

predict(X: array, out_class_names=False) array[source]

Returns the predicted class for each sample.

  • X – np array samples x features.

  • out_class_names – if True, the output will be the class names instead of the class index.


np array samples (x 1) with the predicted class.

predict_proba(X: array) array[source]

Returns the predicted class probabilities for each sample.


X – np array samples x features.


np array samples x classes with the predicted class probabilities.

print_rules(return_rules: bool = False) None[source]

Print the rules contained in the fitted rulebase.

rename_fuzzy_variables() None[source]

Renames the linguist labels so that high, low and so on are consistent. It does so usually after an optimization process.


None. Names are sorted accorded to the central point of the fuzzy memberships.

reparametrice_loss(alpha: float, beta: float) None[source]

Changes the parameters in the loss function.


Does not check for convexity preservation. The user can play with these parameters as it wills.

  • alpha – controls the MCC term.

  • beta – controls the average rule size loss.

class ex_fuzzy.evolutionary_fit.ExploreRuleBases(X: array, y: array, nRules: int, n_classes: int, candidate_rules: MasterRuleBase, thread_runner: StarmapParallelization = None, tolerance: float = 0.01)[source]

Bases: Problem

Class to model as pymoo problem the fitting of a rulebase to a set of data given a series of candidate rules for a classification problem using Evolutionary strategies Supports type 1 and t2.

fitness_func(ruleBase: RuleBase, X: array, y: array, tolerance: float, alpha: float = 0.0, beta: float = 0.0, precomputed_truth=None) float[source]

Fitness function for the optimization problem. :param ruleBase: RuleBase object :param X: array of train samples. X shape = (n_samples, n_features) :param y: array of train labels. y shape = (n_samples,) :param tolerance: float. Tolerance for the size evaluation. :return: float. Fitness value.

class ex_fuzzy.evolutionary_fit.FitRuleBase(X: array, y: array, nRules: int, nAnts: int, n_classes: int, thread_runner: StarmapParallelization = None, linguistic_variables: list[fuzzyVariable] = None, n_linguistic_variables: int = 3, fuzzy_type=FUZZY_SETS.t1, domain: list = None, tolerance: float = 0.01, alpha: float = 0.0, beta: float = 0.0, ds_mode: int = 0, encode_mods: bool = False, allow_unknown: bool = False)[source]

Bases: Problem

Class to model as pymoo problem the fitting of a rulebase for a classification problem using Evolutionary strategies. Supports type 1 and iv fs (iv-type 2)

encode_rulebase(rule_base: MasterRuleBase, optimize_lv: bool, encode_mods: bool = False) array[source]

Given a rule base, constructs the corresponding gene associated with that rule base.


First: antecedents chosen by each rule. Size: nAnts * nRules (index of the antecedent) Second: Variable linguistics used. Size: nAnts * nRules Third: Parameters for the fuzzy partitions of the chosen variables. Size: nAnts * self.n_linguistic_variables * 8|4 (2 trapezoidal memberships if t2) Four: Consequent classes. Size: nRules

  • rule_base – rule base object.

  • optimize_lv – if True, the gene is prepared to optimize the membership functions.

  • encode_mods – if True, the gene is prepared to encode the modifiers for the membership functions.


np array of size self.single_gen_size.

fitness_func(ruleBase: RuleBase, X: array, y: array, tolerance: float, alpha: float = 0.0, beta: float = 0.0, precomputed_truth: array = None) float[source]

Fitness function for the optimization problem. :param ruleBase: RuleBase object :param X: array of train samples. X shape = (n_samples, n_features) :param y: array of train labels. y shape = (n_samples,) :param tolerance: float. Tolerance for the size evaluation. :param alpha: float. Weight for the accuracy term. :param beta: float. Weight for the average rule size term. :param precomputed_truth: np array. If given, it will be used as the truth values for the evaluation. :return: float. Fitness value.